
Wasted Opportunities – an Open Speech

Wasted Opportunities – an Open Speech

How many times have we heard someone say, “I blew a chance.” There is a mix of remorse and longing. In fact, it could be one of pure annoyance. For example, a businessman may have been presented with an enticing deal but did not accept it. He would later come to regret it.

What is an opportunity, exactly? It is an opportunity to have or accomplish something that one believes will be helpful to oneself. A student, for example, might be awarded a scholarship to study abroad. Everyone tells him that this is a great opportunity for him to advance in life because an international degree is seen as respectable and bodes well for his future employment. However, he may not take it up if his family does not allow him. Then many will say that he had wasted an opportunity.

Opportunities are like this; you must recognize them and hope that seizing them will result in the desired outcomes. A guy, for example, could be a hidden admirer of a girl. One day, he has the opportunity to ask the girl out on a date. If he does not take advantage of the opportunity to ask her out, he may never know whether she will accept his invitation. Others would then claim he squandered his chance.

Opportunities present themselves as one progresses through life, whether at home, in school, or later in one’s career. Those born to wealthy or educated parents have an advantage in life. A rich son can enter a better school or an educated parent can give informed advice to his children. It is up to these fortunate people to seize the opportunities presented to them, or these would be wasted. Hence, opportunities present themselves at certain times. The person who does not grab those chances would have wasted them.

A woman at work may have been given the opportunity to get to know her boss better. If she had declined a date with him, she might have missed out on a suitable husband if he was of excellent character. Once again, a man may find an opportunity to showcase his skills in a project. If he seizes the opportunity and succeeds, his potential may be acknowledged in the form of a promotion by his grateful supervisor. People would comment that he had not squandered the occasion.

Opportunities may present themselves, but one must be prepared to take advantage of them. A person who has prepared himself by obtaining the necessary qualifications and work experience would be well prepared to take the opportunity if the desired job becomes available. He would not allow such an opportunity to pass him by. As a result, chances should be taken. ‘Fortune favors the brave,’ as the adage goes. After all, people may believe that there is no harm in trying.

That is life. Life provides us with numerous opportunities. It is our responsibility to seize them. If they have a negative outcome, one will not blame oneself. After all, one has attempted.

What would be distressing to hear is about people lamenting their lack of opportunity or failing to seize opportunities that might have resulted in ideal outcomes. We can only sympathize with the person who claims he should have married that good girl or taken that path that would have led to prosperity. But luck is the name of the game in life, and if you ask anyone, he will tell you about missed opportunities.