A Rapid Test Kit to Assess Immunity to COVID-19 and its Variants

A Rapid Test Kit to Assess Immunity to COVID-19 and its Variants

A quick test kit that determines whether a person is immune to COVID-19 and its variants based on the antibodies found in a blood sample…
Treatment of Ischemic Stroke is More Effective and Less Expensive After Switching to a Newer Clot-Busting Medication

Treatment of Ischemic Stroke is More Effective and Less Expensive After Switching to a Newer Clot-Busting Medication

According to a recent study that was just published in the journal Stroke of the American Stroke Association, tenecteplase, a newer generation clot-busting medication, outperforms…
Spread of Prion-Based Disease is Driven by Protein Aggregate Size, Not By Protein Abundance

Spread of Prion-Based Disease is Driven by Protein Aggregate Size, Not By Protein Abundance

Although the devastating and incurable Mad Cow disease and its human counterpart Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have been absent from the news for years, scientists have not…
Spinal Cord Injury and Parkinson’s Disease May Be Treated Using Implantable, Ultra-Thin Material

Spinal Cord Injury and Parkinson’s Disease May Be Treated Using Implantable, Ultra-Thin Material

Thanks to a recent breakthrough technology created by a research team from Griffith University and UNSW Sydney, flexible implanted electronics are one step closer to…
A Special Light-Sensing 3D-Printed Device Might Benefit Lupus Patients

A Special Light-Sensing 3D-Printed Device Might Benefit Lupus Patients

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities’ engineering and medical teams have created a novel 3D-printed medical gadget that detects light directly on the skin and…
Focused Ultrasound-Mediated Blood-Brain Barrier is Affected by the Magnetic Field from an MRI

Focused Ultrasound-Mediated Blood-Brain Barrier is Affected by the Magnetic Field from an MRI

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) can be opened using MRI-guided focused ultrasound in conjunction with microbubbles, allowing therapeutic medications to enter the sick brain area. It…
In MRI Breast Cancer Screening, Prediction Models may Reduce False-Positive Results

In MRI Breast Cancer Screening, Prediction Models may Reduce False-Positive Results

According to a recent study published in the journal Radiology, prediction models based on clinical traits and imaging results may help lower the false-positive rate…
A New Study Reveals Potential Applications of Ultrasound in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders

A New Study Reveals Potential Applications of Ultrasound in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders

Imagine passing an exam and believing that your achievement had more to do with the socks you were wearing or the quantity of cookies you…
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Capture and Deactivation Medical Face Mask Membrane

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Capture and Deactivation Medical Face Mask Membrane

Dibakar Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., and Rollie Mills, a Ph.D. student in his lab at the University of Kentucky, have assembled a team of scientists to create…
A New Study Confirms that Lawn Mower Accidents are a Recurring Source of Serious Injuries and High Costs

A New Study Confirms that Lawn Mower Accidents are a Recurring Source of Serious Injuries and High Costs

Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine have concluded that the rate of lawnmower injuries continues to be close to 6,400 per year, with the majority requiring…
Study of Rare Disease Offers New Perspectives on Immune System Response

Study of Rare Disease Offers New Perspectives on Immune System Response

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine claim to have discovered new information about how immune system cells react to disease-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses like SARS-CoV-2…
A Recent Study Shows Difficulties in Deciphering the Findings of Neuropsychological Tests

A Recent Study Shows Difficulties in Deciphering the Findings of Neuropsychological Tests

Sneller and colleagues compared 189 patients who had recovered from Covid-19, many of whom reported symptoms of Long Covid, to a control group of 120…
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