Calcite is calcium carbonate, and comes in a wide range of colors and types and is most easily recognized for its low hardness compared to other minerals. Manganoan calcite or manganocalcite is a variety of calcite rich in manganese, which gives the mineral a pink color. It is a manganese calcium carbonate mineral and member of the Calcite family. Its chemical composition is (Ca,Mn)CO3. The mineral specimen comes from the Yukon Mine, located near Howardsville in the Cement Creek area northwest of Silverton in the Animas mining district, San Juan County, Colorado.
Manganoan Calcite is a quite beautiful crystal that commonly has lovely bands of various colors of pink and white.
Its color can range from light to dark pink depending on the amount of Manganese in it. It’s common to have white inclusions of Calcite within this crystal, sometimes in a banding formation. This crystal is also known as Manganoan Calcite and occurs in various formations, and these are similar to most other colors of calcite. This calcite type comes in a range of pink colors. This mineral gracefully reveals your spirit while bringing about a sense of security and confidence in knowing the real you.

This mineral was first discovered in 1846 by A. Breithaupt in Banská, Štiavnica, Slovakia. It was first reported from the Banská Štiavnica Mining District, Slovak Republic, but is widely distributed around the world, notably in the Cave of Swords at Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico, and in Bulgaria. He named it in reference to the inclusion of Manganese found within, thus setting up a debate regarding what true Mangano Calcite actually is compared to what is just simply, pink calcite. It is commonly thought in the mineral trade that if calcite is pink then its name is Mangano or Manganoan Calcite, although it is sometimes just sold as Pink Calcite.
Manganoan calcite is sometimes confused with rhodochrosite. Most Mangano Calcite on the market comes from Romania, Peru, Bulgaria, Mexico, Madagascar, Russia, Australia and Japan. The mineral specimen comes from the Yukon Mine, located near Howardsville in the Cement Creek area northwest of Silverton in the Animas mining district, San Juan County, Colorado.
The energies of Mangano Calcite allow one to find resolution while extinguishing the negative filled emotions within. The amount of manganese in manganocalcite varies at different localities, and the mineral forms a solid solution series between calcite and rhodochrosite, with the color becoming redder with a higher proportion of manganese. One can then reach a sense of harmony and learn to achieve mental peace when utilizing the rejuvenating effects of this heavenly stone.
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