Speaking of Amazon, the company announced today that it plans to roll out the voice shopping experience feature in the Hindi language in the South Asian market ahead of the Diwali festival in early November. Amazon is reportedly conducting an investigation into whether its lawyers bribed government officials in India.
Users will be able to search for products and check their order status using voice commands such as “joote dikhao,” which is Hindi for “show me shoes,” which will be available in the “coming weeks,” according to the e-commerce giant, which launched the voice shopping experience in English last year.
Only 10% of India’s 1.3 billion inhabitants can communicate in English. Voice search has exploded in popularity in India in recent years since many new internet users find it difficult to type on virtual keyboards. In recent years, a slew of internet companies, including Amazon’s rival Flipkart, has pushed to offer support for more regional languages, as well as voice searches, and in some cases, both.

Only Android users will be able to use Amazon’s voice purchasing experience, “Since the debut of voice shopping in 2020, we’ve been humbled to witness Amazon. in consumers using voice to fulfill their shopping needs rise by 2 X years over year. In a statement, Kishore Thota, director of Customer Experience and Marketing at Amazon India, stated, “We will continue to focus on providing innovative features for our consumers on voice to make their shopping experience interesting and gratifying.”
The latest release is part of the company’s larger localization strategy. Amazon’s website and apps are now available in Marathi and Bengali, the company announced today. Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Telugu are among the five extra-regional languages supported by the website. according to the company.
“Our goal with the regional language purchasing experience is to make e-commerce more relevant, accessible, and convenient for customers. Tens of millions of customers visit Amazon every month in regional languages, with 90% of customers from tier 2 and below cities. This festive season, we’re excited to offer our clients Amazon. inexperience in Marathi and Bengali,” Thota said.
A news organization in India Last week, The Ken claimed that Amazon was working on a voice-based payment authentication system. The corporation did not respond to a request for comment.