
Aluminium Lactate – a chemical compound

Aluminium Lactate – a chemical compound

Aluminium lactate is a chemical compound, a salt of aluminium and lactic acid with the formula Al(C3H5O3)3. It typically appears as a white or off-white powder or crystalline solid. It is soluble in water, which makes it useful in various aqueous formulations. It is generally stable under normal conditions but may decompose under extreme conditions or when exposed to strong acids or bases.


Aluminium lactate appears as a white powder which is soluble in water. The melting point is not well-documented in standard references, but it tends to decompose rather than melt at high temperatures. Specific density information is often less detailed but usually falls within the range of other similar organic salts.

  • Chemical formula: C9H15AlO9
  • Molar mass: 294.192 g·mol−1
  • Appearance: White powder
  • Melting point: 300 °C (572 °F; 573 K)
  • Solubility in water: Soluble


Aluminium lactate is obtained by precipitating a solution of the barium salt by aluminium sulfate.


Aluminium lactate is used as a mordant. It is suitable for use in both the cosmetic and oral industries. It is also used as a precursor for sol–gel synthesis of alumina-based glasses. It is often used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, primarily as a stabilizer or an adjuvant. In pharmaceuticals, it can be used in topical formulations, while in cosmetics, it helps in the formulation of lotions and creams. It also finds applications in the food industry as a food additive.


Aluminium compounds should be used with caution, especially in large quantities, due to potential toxicity concerns. However, when used in regulated amounts and properly formulated products, aluminium lactate is generally considered safe.