

Paranoia Definition Paranoia is a psychotic disorder characterized by systematized delusions, especially of persecution or grandeur, in the absence of other personality disorders. It is…
About Schizophrenia

About Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Definition Schizophrenia is an illness affecting the brain and rooted within the biological functions of the brain cells. The word schizophrenia literally means a…


Mumps Definition Mumps is an acute inflammatory contagious disease caused by a paramyxovirus and characterized by swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotids, and…


Pancreatitis Definition Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. It is an abdominal gland situated behind the stomach in the upper abdomen.…
Biliary Colic

Biliary Colic

Biliary Colic Definition Biliary colic is a type of smooth muscle or visceral pain specifically associated with the passing of stones through the bile ducts,…


Cholecystitis Definition Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gall bladder, due to bacterial infection or the presence of gallstones. Complications of acute cholecystitis include gallstone…


Gallstone Definition Gallstone is a small, hard, abnormal mass composed chiefly of cholesterol, calcium salts, and bile pigments, formed in the gallbladder or in a…


Kernicterus Definition Kernicterus is also called nuclear jaundice. It is a disorder that is due to severe jaundice in the newborn, with deposition of the…


Jaundice Definition Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes caused by deposition of bile salts in these…


Proteinuria Definition Proteinuria is synonymous with albuminuria. It is the presence of excess proteins in the urine. Some protein is normal in the urine. Too…
Alport Syndrome

Alport Syndrome

Alport Syndrome Definition Alport syndrome is a hereditary condition characterized by kidney disease, deafness, and sometimes eye defects. It is involves inflammation of the kidney…
Hay Fever

Hay Fever

Hay Fever Definition Hay fever is a seasonal allergy to airborne particles characterized by itchy eyes, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy throat, and excess…
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