Researchers Find a Novel Method to Combat Malaria that is Drug-Resistant

Researchers Find a Novel Method to Combat Malaria that is Drug-Resistant

As the effectiveness of conventional antimalarial medications wane, a novel strategy to tackle malaria that causes the illness to turn against itself may provide a…
PCR is Carried Out by the New COVID-19 Rapid-Test Technology More Quickly than by Competing Tests

PCR is Carried Out by the New COVID-19 Rapid-Test Technology More Quickly than by Competing Tests

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which can identify genetic material such as that from a virus or human DNA, has been the industry standard for…
Researchers Create a Strategy to Avoid Lethal Hospital Infections without Antibiotics

Researchers Create a Strategy to Avoid Lethal Hospital Infections without Antibiotics

You might not think a hospital or medical facility is the best place to catch a bad illness. Yet, every year, about 1.7 million Americans…
Chronic Migraine (Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosed, Treatment)

Chronic Migraine (Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosed, Treatment)

The third most common disease worldwide is migraine. In fact, among the top five reasons individuals visit emergency rooms each year are headaches. Chronic migraine…
Giving Individual Patients the Right Treatment at the Right Time with the Help of “Digital Twins”

Giving Individual Patients the Right Treatment at the Right Time with the Help of “Digital Twins”

With the aim of enhancing diagnosis and therapy, a global team of researchers has created sophisticated computer simulations, or “digital twins,” of diseases. They found…
High Doses of a Common Hormone Drug are Linked to an Increased Risk of Benign Brain Tumors

High Doses of a Common Hormone Drug are Linked to an Increased Risk of Benign Brain Tumors

According to a University of Bristol-led study of more than 8 million patients, high doses of a commonly used drug used in the hormonal treatment…
Cancer Patients Now Have Hope Thanks to a New Method of Targeting Mutant RAS

Cancer Patients Now Have Hope Thanks to a New Method of Targeting Mutant RAS

Following a 10-year journey, John O’Bryan, Ph.D., and colleagues at the MUSC Hollings Cancer Center have shown a novel therapeutic method to inhibit a protein…
Opinion Biological Science Rejects the Sex Binary, and That’s Good for Humanity

Opinion Biological Science Rejects the Sex Binary, and That’s Good for Humanity

Sen. Marsha Blackburn sparked outrage when she challenged Jackson to define the word “woman” during his confirmation hearings for the United States Supreme Court. Following…
Researchers have Discovered the Mechanism that Allows Information to Flow Between Different Parts of the Brain

Researchers have Discovered the Mechanism that Allows Information to Flow Between Different Parts of the Brain

The key to the controlled manufacture of cerium oxide mesocrystals has been discovered, according to a research team from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and…
Improved Stability Nanostructures for the Development of More Effective Cancer Nanomedicine

Improved Stability Nanostructures for the Development of More Effective Cancer Nanomedicine

The majority of medications on the market today have only one mechanism of action, and producing pharmaceuticals with many functions is both difficult and expensive.…
Researchers Discover a Potential New Target for Treating Newborns with Low Oxygen or Blood Flow in the Brain

Researchers Discover a Potential New Target for Treating Newborns with Low Oxygen or Blood Flow in the Brain

A shortage of oxygen or blood flow in the brain during labor or delivery is one of the most common causes of impairment or death…
Why Does Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy Work? A New Study Reveals

Why Does Trauma-Focused Psychotherapy Work? A New Study Reveals

Psychotherapy with a trauma emphasis is widely regarded as the most effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the mechanisms by which this approach…
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