
Speech by Candidate for the Batch Representative in University

Speech by Candidate for the Batch Representative in University

Speech by Candidate for the Batch Representative in University

[This is a sample Speech by Candidate for the Batch Representative in University. You can follow this sample Speech by a candidate in front of the student body. This speech can be used by anyone who is running for the position of a Batch Representative/President/any leadership post at his/ her university or College. You can make changes as per your requirements.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Good Morning/Noon/Evening everyone (show greetings), today I stand in front of you as a possible candidate for the position of a Batch Representative (responsibility). My fellow students and my dear, respected opponents, I am immensely thankful to all of you for giving me an opportunity to show my potential in front of you. (Describe in your words). Most of you know me or have at least seen me around the college/university. I will give you one reason that is I want to become your Vice President (batch representative). (Explain all about the situation simply). It’s that simple, people. I have been at this institute for a long time, 1/2/3/4 years, and have seen the various principals, administrators, and teachers. I have seen what this glorious (Institute name) needs and to how to change things to fit those needs. (Describe your confidence).

I am here today because I see myself as someone who is honest and capable. Being a former President of a Student-run (Previous institute) gave me the much experience at leadership and teamwork and surely I will use all that I have learned in those years for the betterment of this college/university and the Student Body. (Explain your experiences). I will be a transparent leader and a helpful fellow.

I will introduce ideas for events, such as a weekly game competition after (example: basketball games) and we’ll work together to help the community through volunteer work and showing them just how dedicated the students at this institute are. (Explain your plan and other activities). I will always put forward my council duties over my personal matters. I am motivated to work hard and my efforts will definitely portray my devotion. (Describe your dedication).

We need to understand that we will have to own this educational institute. It is not about you or it is not about me. It is about us being a family. We will make it better. We will make it the best educational institute. We need to set us right. (Describe your expectation).

On the last note, I genuinely try my best to benefit my fellow students. Your vote is your right as well as your responsibility. (Cordially describe your requirements). Do not vote on the basis of peer pressure or lobbies. Vote for someone who you see fit to be your leader.

Thank You for your patience.


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