
Sample Letter of Suggestion for Improvement to Student

Sample Letter of Suggestion for Improvement to Student

Sample Letter of Suggestion for Improvement to Student

[This is a sample Letter of Suggestion for Improvement of School. You should show some specific problems and situation related education system of school. You can modify this format as your requirement.]


Student name…

School/Institute name…

Sub: Letter of Suggestion for Improvement to Student

Dear (Name of the student),

I have received your test and assignment reports and I am not very impressed by your performances lately. You used to be a great student but now your grades are dropping and your name has often appeared in the absentee list as well. (Describe actual problems and situation). I know that it is hard to live away from home and you have many distractions as well. I have heard about the rumors of you getting in the habits of drugs and spending time mostly out with your other colleagues. You got selected in (Subject department name) based on your abilities and confidence. Don’t let that confidence ruin you.

Our term exams are starting from next month and I want you to appear in these exams and ace them. Take extra classes if you need any or come to me for help in literature. Don’t let down the hopes of your parents by dropping out of School/college. I hope you will take this seriously and act upon to become a good student that you once were.

Your name…

Professor (Job designation),

SchoolCollege name…