
Sample Email to Cancel Meeting due to Illness

Sample Email to Cancel Meeting due to Illness

Sample Email to Cancel Meeting due to Illness

[Here briefly focus on Sample Email to Cancel Meeting due to Illness. You can follow these sample as meeting cancellation note or meeting cancelled due to unavailability or reschedule meeting due to sickness. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Authority name…

Job Designation…

Sub: Last Minute Meeting Cancellation Email

Dear (Name),

I am writing to you because I am regretful to inform you that I will have to cancel our coffee meeting (Meeting subject) tomorrow morning (date and time) due to my being ill. (Show actual problem and situations). I do wish that I could go because I was quite looking forward to seeing you and catching up with you. I guess we will have to reschedule for another time when is more convenient.

I have a funny feeling that we will have to wait awhile we both are very busy with our work. Again I must apologize for not being able to meet you and sorry for the inconvenience. I hope to see you soon and please take care.

Kind regards,

Your Name…

Job Designation…


Another format,


Authority name…

Job Designation…

Sub: Email to Cancel Meeting Due To Illness

This letter is to inform you that I won’t be able to attend the meeting that was scheduled today as I have fallen ill because of the weather. (Show actual problem and situations). I am on bed rest right now and will reschedule the meeting whenever I join back. You are hereby advised to inform the other party of this cancellation as well and ensure them that they will be notified of the new schedule as soon as it gets finalized.

Thank you,

Your name…

CEO (Job Designation)

(Enter Company Name Here)