GeographyChemical Erosion Chemical erosion, also known as chemical weathering, is the process by which rocks and minerals are broken down or dissolved by chemical reactions. It happens…
BiologyHow Bacteria Develop Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria reproduce quickly, and during replication, errors in their genetic material can occur, resulting in mutations. These mutations can occasionally provide bacteria with antibiotic resistance.…
BiologyA New Study Reveals that Human Ancestors Preferred Mosaic Landscapes and Great Ecological Diversity An international research team’s latest study, which was just published in the journal Science, reveals that early human species were able to adapt to a…
ZoologyThe Causes of Insect Population Decline Insect declines are exacerbated by the destruction and degradation of natural habitats such as forests, wetlands, and grasslands. The availability of suitable habitats for insects…
Plants and AnimalsIn Southern California, Everything is in Full Bloom at the Same Time The L.A. Catholic Worker Hospitality Kitchen, sometimes known as the “Hippie Kitchen,” is a Skid Row food distribution site. There is always something sprouting there.…
Plants and AnimalsAccording to a Study, Whales in the Southern Ocean are Getting Slimmer Because of Global Warming Right whales migrate north in the month of June, when winter sets in the southern hemisphere and the seas surrounding Antarctica freeze over. Many of…
PhysicsQuantum Pendulum The quantum pendulum is critical to understanding hindered internal rotations in chemistry, quantum features of scattering atoms, and a variety of other quantum phenomena. It…
ChemistrySodium Silicate – a chemical compound The term sodium silicate refers to chemical compounds with the formula Na2xSiyO2y+x or (Na2O)x•(SiO2)y, such as sodium metasilicate Na2SiO3, sodium orthosilicate Na4SiO4, and sodium pyrosilicate…
PhysicsResearchers Show Continuous-Wave Deep-UV Laser Diode Lasing at Room Temperature In partnership with Asahi Kasei Corporation, a research team led by 2014 Nobel laureate Hiroshi Amano at Nagoya University’s Institute of Materials and Systems for…
GeographyRiver Erosion The process by which flowing water, usually in the form of a river or stream, wears away the Earth’s surface and transports sediment from one…
AstronomyThere is More Proof that the Moon’s Inner Core is Solid, Just Like the Earth’s The Moon consists of several layers, including a relatively small metallic core, a partially molten layer called the lunar mantle, and a crust on the…
AstronomyDespite the Fact that LISA will be a Fantastic Gravitational-Wave Observatory, there is a Method to Make it 100 Times More Potent A revolution in astronomy was sparked by the first discovery of gravitational waves (GW) in 2015 by scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO).…