This batch of YC was all about cryptocurrency. Y Combinator Demo Days have back with another avalanche of businesses. Previously, a group of TechCrunch reporters would attend Demo Day in person, write up each startup’s presentation, and mingle with VCs during the breaks, but due to post-pandemic bloat, one full list of startups is neither practical nor especially useful to readers.
Who said, 2017 was a huge year for crypto, and I wanted to make sure we highlighted each and every crypto firm that made its public debut at Demo Days this year. NFTs, Defi, web3 services, and crypto investment are all represented on the list of 25 companies.

A few observations on these descriptions… These are presented in the order in which they appeared on the YC Demo Days website, which appears to be random. The “What it says it does:” portions are likewise taken from that website, whereas the “Founders:” section is mostly based on information from each startup’s co-founders’ LinkedIn profiles. I have not personally fact-checked any of the information that the founders have self-reported.
The “Quick thoughts:” part is entirely comprised of my own intelligent thoughts, albeit I cannot guarantee that they are always such. Now it’s time for the startups… But hold on! While I have your attention, please consider subscribing to Chain Reaction, TechCrunch’s new crypto-focused podcast and newsletter, which will debut in April and will be hosted by me and my colleague Anita Ramaswamy.
“SimpleHash allows web3 developers to query all NFT data through a single API,” it explains. We index several blockchains, handle edge circumstances, provide a fast media CDN, and are easy to integrate with just a few lines of code.”
Alex Kilkka previously co-founded the NFT social network Showtime, and Olly Wilson formerly worked at Portage Ventures as an EIR. a few quick thoughts Although the NFT sector has made significant progress on Ethereum, it’s no secret that any future mainstream adoption of NFTs will be dependent on Layer 2 blockchains cutting transaction costs. While this provides potential for entrepreneurs, it also causes cross-chain issues, which SimpleHash hopes to eliminate.
“NFTScoring is the place for you to discover, analyze, and trade NFTs,” it adds. We provide you superpowers so you can understand the NFT market at any time, make the best judgments, and act quickly.” Founders: David Moko and Adam Zvada previously co-founded Cognitic, an AI lab, and GoDeliver, a hyperlocal delivery platform. a few quick thoughts NFTScoring is attempting to provide a better dashboard for NFT traders that takes into consideration some of the distinctive characteristics that distinguish some NFTs from others, all while assisting users in identifying trending projects early. Tracking which projects NFT whales are buying into via a network of wallets appears to be a key focus. Users must pay with Eth to access the startup’s premium tier pricing.