
Product of two unlike Quadratic Surds

Product of two unlike Quadratic Surds

Definitions of surds: A root of a positive real quantity is called a surd if its value cannot be exactly determined. It is a number that can’t be simplified to remove a square root (or cube root etc). For example, each of the quantities √3, ∛7, ∜19, (16)^2/5 etc. is a surd.

More Examples:

  • √2 (square root of 2) can’t be simplified further so it is a surd
  • √4 (square root of 4) CAN be simplified to 2, so it is NOT a surd

A quadratic surd is an irrational number that is the solution to some quadratic equation with rational coefficients which is irreducible over the set of rational numbers. A number of the form (±√a), where ‘a’ is a positive rational number which is not the square of another rational number is called a pure quadratic surd. A number of the form (a ± √b), where ‘a’ is rational √b is a pure quadratic surd is sometimes called a mixed quadratic surd.

Product of two unlike Quadratic Surds

The product of two, unlike quadratic surds, cannot be rational.

Suppose, let √p and √q be two, unlike quadratic surds.

We have to show that √p ∙ √q cannot be rational.

If possible, let us assume, √p ∙ √q = r where r is rational.

Therefore, √q = r/√p = (r ∙ √p)/(√p ∙ √p) =  (r /p) √p

√q = (a rational quantity) √p, [Since, r and p both are rational, therefore, r/p is rational.)

Now from the above expression we clearly see that √p and √q are like surds, which is a contradiction. Therefore, our assumption cannot hold i.e., √p ∙ √q cannot be rational.

Therefore, the product of two, unlike quadratic surds, cannot be rational.


  1. In like manner, we can show that the quotient of two, unlike quadratic surds, cannot be rational.
  2. The product of two like quadratic surds always represents a rational quantity.

For example, consider two like quadratic surds m√z and n√z where m and n are rational.

Now the product of m√z and n√z = m√z ∙ n√z = mn(√z^2)= mnz, which is a rational quantity.

  1. The quotient of two like quadratic surds always represents a rational quantity. For example, consider, For example, consider two like quadratic surds m√z and n√z where m and n are rational.

Now the quotient of m√z and n√z = (m√z)/(n√z) = m/n, which is a rational quantity.


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