
Sample Weekly Agenda Format

Sample Weekly Agenda Format

Sample Weekly Agenda Format

[Weekly agendas are perfect for such activities and can ensure that the individual never forgets anything. Sample Weekly Agenda Format. Writing a weekly agenda proves to be a benefit even for people who are highly organized and this is a tool which should be used by everyone.]

Points to consider while drafting Weekly Agendas –

  • The weekly agenda must contain the dates the week begins and ends.
  • The agenda must have at least of all tasks that are scheduled for a particular day of the week along with the time.
  • Tasks related to business must be prioritized while personal tasks can be entered for later during the day.
  • The fresh agenda must be written after considering any tasks which are left pending and need to be included in the forthcoming week.
Example of Weekly Agenda –

Weekly Agenda Grade 12 Science (Subject Topic)

Week of [Date, Month and Year]


  • Article 3 On Pathogens And Disease. (Subject Topic)
  • Review for test on Tuesday.


  • Test pathogens and disease.
  • Hand over notes prepared.


  • Remembrance Day.
  • Unit 3 medical technologies, therapies, and devices.

Thursday & Friday.

  • Medical technologies, therapies, and devices projects.
  • Powder puff football is also slated for Friday.


Another Example of Weekly Agenda –

Student Weekly Meeting Agenda (Subject Topic)

Week of [Date, Month And Year]

I. Special Agenda

(A) Changing the meeting location. It was decided to alternate the meeting location between [names of the locations] on a monthly basis. We will continue to meet at [location A] through this month and after that switch to

[location B] from the next month.

B) review the student self-service priority channel display.

C) review the student announcement channel.

II. Priority issues.

(A). Perquisites for economy clauses were entered into SCA EQ and not rolled into the other rolls. [Name of the individual] has been asked to confirm it is there in the catalog level after testing it.

(B). [Name of the individual] has suggested for a new ETS position funded by SSSP and both colleges to support SSSP. It was suggested that the new position should fall under ETS as it will be serving both campuses. More work needs to be done further to define this position by receiving inputs from counseling, A & R, IR and student services.

(C). Dashboard issues.

– Balances are not correct. On the student summary page, it is necessary to view the current and past cumulative balances for every quarter. This is an issue of timing as well as a primary compass issue.

– We should be looking forward to printing transcripts similar to SSB.

– When entering a new student number information related to the previous student remains on screen. [Names of the individuals] will contact the concerned parties to get a comprehensive list of the things that are wrong and validated the same.

– Counselors no longer use the dashboard to change majors.

– [Names of the individuals] will work together to rectify the problems next week.

III. The progress of other issues discussed.

[Note: Weekly agendas not only give the individuals concerned a proper method of managing their time but also makes it possible for them to accomplish more tasks than they usually would.]