
Resignation Letter To Take An Early Retirement

Resignation Letter To Take An Early Retirement

Write a resignation letter to take an Early Retirement.

Sender Address:……………….

Date: 00 Month: …. Year: 0000

Receiver’s Name:

Receiver’s Address: ———–

Dear Sir/Madam,

With apprehension and yet a sense of excitement, I wish to advise you of my intention to retire from my position as ……..(Designation/Position) without delay. My announcement may seem rather sudden, but in all honesty, I have been contemplating early retirement for some time. Thus, when investments of mine recently profited generously, it strengthened my resolve to do the traveling my husband and I have long dreamed of.

Despite my intention to retire early, I still feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity I have had to work at Doe Associates. The substantial support I consistently received from management contributed immensely to many productive and prosperous years here. Many of my closest friendships were made while working on special projects or training others in the department. You are a dedicated group. I hope your future efforts meet with great success.

Although I would like to leave as soon as possible, I will gladly stay for a reasonable amount of time to tie up loose ends and train my successor. However, I strongly recommend promoting my assistant who has done a stellar job of assuming my responsibilities in my absence.

Because the weather here is so beautiful during the summer, I plan to stay in town. During those months, if you are interested, I would be happy to consider consulting for you on a limited basis. Please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to accept my offer.

Your Sincerely
