
Request Letter for Employee Allowance

Request Letter for Employee Allowance

Request Letter for Employee Allowance

[When an employee assumes more responsibilities, the employer can make arrangements to offer the employee allowance. Occasionally, an employee can request an allowance if assigned duties away from the work station or to perform the duties of a coworker. Here briefly focus on sample Request Letter for Employee Allowance. A request letter for allowance is applicable when the company has a policy that manages allowance or the employer has made such arrangements. Other types of allowances are housing, transport, travel, and medical allowance. Under such arrangements, the employee can write a request letter for allowance. This letter is addressed to the employer or the relevant authority responsible for making payments. You can make changes as per your requirements.]


Sender/Your name…

Job designation and department name…

Date: DD/MM/YY (the date on which letter is written)


Receiver/Higher official name…

Job designation and department name…

Sub: Request Letter for Employee Allowance

Dear (Sir/ma’am),

My name is (name), an employee with your company (Name) in the department of (Name). I have worked with your company for (***) years and I take pride in being part of your team. (Describe in your words). I hereby write this letter to request my (Allowance Type) allowance of (***) which is due for (Cause).

I have brought this matter to the attention of (Authority name) but as of today (date), the payment has not been made to my bank account. (Describe the actual problem and situation). I submit all my bills in good time hence this cannot the cause of the problem.

This problem is putting me in a difficult financial position because this has been the arrangement since I joined the company. (Describe all about the situation). Additionally, employees in my job group (name) are eligible for this allowance as stipulated in the employees’ policy.

I have visited the bank and they say that the payment has not been made yet. Kindly take up this issue with the relevant party so that I can have my (allowance type) by the latest (date). (Cordiallydescribe your greetings and expectation). I herewith attach documents on when the last payment was made and receipts of the pending bills.

Please help me solve this matter at the earliest.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Sender/Your name…

Job designation and department name…

Contact info. and Signature…


Another Format, [Email Format]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

Sub: Requesting for allowance

Dear (Sir/Name),

I want to bring to your kind attention that I have not received my medical and transport benefit till now. (Describe in your words). I have been serving your organization for the past (***) years, and it has happened to me for the first time. I have submitted all my bills to the Accounts department in time, but till now, my allowance has not been credited into my bank account. (Describe the actual problem and situation). The total amount needs to be credited (Money amount) for the month of (Month’s name). (Describe all about the situation).

I would request you to please look into the matter and get the needful done at the earliest. I am enclosing the copies of the bill for your reference. (Cordiallydescribe your greetings and expectation).

Your promptness in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Job designation and department name…