
Sample Sorry Letter to Uncle or any Relative

Sample Sorry Letter to Uncle or any Relative

Sample Sorry Letter to Uncle or any Relative

[Here briefly describe on Sample Sorry Letter to Uncle or any Relative. Every relationship depends on mutual understanding and respect for each other. Sometimes one’s attitude or situations influence and people tend to make mistakes. These mistakes bring a blow to the relationships, and it all depends on the individual who commits mistakes to apologize and patch up the relationship. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Sender/Your name…

Address and Contact Info…

Date: DD/MM/YY ( Date of which letter is written)


Receiver/Uncle name…

Address and Contact Info…

Sub: (Write your topic and Purpose)

Dear uncle/(name of your uncle),

I am really sorry for not being able to attend your daughter/son’s wedding reception this weekend. Unexpectedly I have to attend an important office meeting on (Date: DD/MM/YY). (Describe in your words). My boss is sending me to this meeting as his proxy because he is not in a position to attend it. I hope you understand my situation. If I do not attend it, it will affect my career. (Explain the actual problem and situation).

I hope all the arrangements for the wedding are over and you are eagerly waiting for the marriage day. It would have been great if I could attend it. I plan to come and meet you all after I return from the trip. (Describe all about the situation and your expectation).

How is your health? By God’s grace, you are hail and healthy, and I pray for your good health in the coming years.

I wish the wedding reception will be a grand success. (Cordially describe your greetings and apology on the related subject). Please convey my best wishes to the bride and bridegroom.

Yours lovingly,

(Your name)

Address and Contact Info…


Another Format, [Email Format]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

From: Sende mail address, [email protected]

Subject: Apology Letter from my Uncle.

Dear Uncle,

I would like to apologize for a mistake, an error that might seem to be small but will hurt you a lot. The incident that happened yesterday (date). You had told me to control my anger. (Describe in your words). I promised you that I would surely manage it, but yet I failed to keep the pledge. Like the previous times, I again got myself involved in a fight. (Explain actual cause and situation). The debate became so severe that I could not control myself and I hit one man and broke one of his bones. (Describe all about on the occurrences).

My friends hate me for what I did. Uncle, you were right. Anger causes harm to no one else than ourselves. I am sorry for whatever I did. (Describe all about the situation and your expectation). Today, I have learned a valuable lesson of life that one should kill the anger before it kills oneself. Uncle, please forgive me. (Describe all about the situation and your expectation).

You will surely see a changed (Your name) the next time you see me. (Cordially describe your greetings and apology on the related subject). Thank you, Uncle, you are the best teacher I had ever had.


(Your name)

Address and Contact Info…