Gender equality means fairness of treatment between men and women. It is also known as sexual equality or equality of the sexes, which is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender. It signifies a condition in which both men and women are treated equally and mindset in all circumstances without showing any unfair dealing towards women. Gender equality is of prime importance. Our Prophet (Sm) maintained the concept of gender equality and set examples in every sphere of his life as a lesson for us. In Arabia, gender discrimination was acute in ancient times. It really turned the society back. So, we ought to be conscious of the equal rights of males and females. In Bangladesh, in the previous days, a deplorable disparity was noticed. But with the progress of education, the picture has changed. Many women are now members of the local government councils that have important responsibilities for rural and urban development. The rapid growth of the garment industry has provided numerous formal sector jobs for women, who comprise over 90% (percent) of its labor force. This has significantly contributed to Bangladesh’s annual GDP growth rate of over 5% (percent) in the past decade. Our government is so sincere to maintain gender equality by taking some epoch-making initiatives like making female education free up-to HSC level, awarding stipends to girl students, recruiting more and more female candidates in jobs, etc. Fanaticism, social outlook, etc. are the main barriers. Lack of education and orthodox attitude are mainly responsible for these barriers. The overall development of our country depends largely on the equality of both sexes. If the females are neglected and kept outside the development activities, the nation will miss their performances. As a result, almost 50% of the total development will be hampered. To maintain equality, both male and female sexes are required to go ahead side by side in the field of education, jobs, businesses, and other out-of-home activities.
Gender Equality