
A Beautiful Bird “Common Ground Dove”

A Beautiful Bird “Common Ground Dove”

A small bird that inhabits the southern United States, portions of Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America is the Common Ground-Dove (Columbina passerina). Overall, these doves are sandy brown, with large, dark spots on the wing covers. The wings illustrate rich rufous patches in flight. It is recognized as the smallest dove inhabiting the United States. The bird, as its name implies, spends much of its time walking on the ground, but still has the ability to fly. On the head, neck, and chest, males have a pinkish wash and bluish crowns; females are duller. There are fine, dark scalings on the neck and chest of both sexes, and pink-red bills with a dark tip. This species ranges from 15–18 cm (5.9–7.1 in) long, spans 27 cm (11 in) across the wings, and weighs 26–40 g (0.92–1.41 oz). Common Ground-Doves are relatively retiring, and frequently hide in grasslands and tiny groves of trees. A series of silent, moaning coos are sung by males. Popular Field-Doves, often seen on the field at backyard bird feeders, consume seeds and grains, along with some insects. With a black tip, it has a yellow beak. The feathers around the beak are colored pink. There is a scale-like presence on the feathers on the head and the upper breast. The tail feathers are very small and the back is identical in color. The plumage on the rear of the bird is brown. The coverts and wing feathers are brown but have black spotting on them.

Common Ground-Dove

Popular Ground-Doves live in open or shrubby areas with tall grasses or groves of trees, including riparian corridors and open savannas. They often live in towns and villages, where they visit yards and hedges. It is possible to describe them as soft whoops which increase in pitch. The call is often heard in repetition and is very separate. Several males may compete for the attention of 1 female. Members of mated pairs often perch very close and should preen each other’s feathers. Nest site varies, could also be on the ground, or in shrubs or low trees up to 25′ above ground; usually 3-12′ au courant horizontal fork of a branch. In any given year, they may have 2–3 broods. On average, two white eggs are laid, which are incubated for 12-14 days by both parents. After 11-12 days or more, both parents were accused of feeding young “pigeon milk.” Young leave the nest. The Common Ground-Doves are darker and richer in color in the Southeast and Texas than the paler and grayer populations of the Southwest.