
Daily Crunch: Tesla Switches on Camera-Based Driver Monitoring for Autopilot Users

Daily Crunch: Tesla Switches on Camera-Based Driver Monitoring for Autopilot Users

Welcome to the Daily Crunch, May 28, the last edition before the long weekend in the United States. But whether the upcoming holidays or not, there is not much to catch, including the Elon Watch in our top-three rundown today. Get it! – Alex

The EU examines TikTok: The technology and government themes we explored throughout the week continued today with the European Union’s video sharing platform on trade practices and policies, describing how it was “introduced” as a “formal conversation.” “The social media giant’s kid policies are present in EU crosshairs.

Healthcare can be lucrative startup ground: This morning we learned Doximity’s IPO filing. Initiative-backed health Technology Company COVID-19 has grown like a weed during the epidemic and is capitalizing on earnings from the public while markets remain hot.

All about Elon: There are more venture rounds in the tech game these days and the only thing that is more specific than SPAC News is the news of Elon Musk’s inevitability. This week was no exception, with the media today launching driver assistance with the Tesla boss and tackling the challenges of his boring company’s Las Vegas tunnel.

Kit put in a million dollars to build your next office: parts of the world are slowly moving back to the idea of ​​going to the office. TechCrunch reports that Kit seeks to take advantage of the trend by providing a “fully customizable” workspace solution for tenants through its landlord partners. Everyone seems to agree that looking at the post office life of KOID would look different. Here’s a start to trying to help design the design of the future.

Penfold raises just $8.5 million to save pension: Your pension may die in parts of the world, but Penfold wants to save his retirement plan in the United States with a mobile app. Of course, your organization has probably given up the idea that it can materially provide for workers’ post-work existence, but Penfold bets that its freelancer-friendly pension system will find a purchase in its market.

A total of $124 million to make atrophic AI more steerable: Some people behind GPT-3 have heaps of new money for AI-focused startups. Unlike most AI-centric startups, however, the company seems to be working on model tuning to do something, especially to focus on something.