Human Resource Management

Advantages of External Recruitment

Advantages of External Recruitment

External sources refer to recruiting employees from outside the organization. The External Sources of Recruitment mean hiring people from outside the organization. In other words, seeking applicants from those who are external to the organization.

Advantages of External Recruitment

External recruitment sources and methods have following advantages:

  1. Wider Choice

When an organization recruits externally, it opens the organization up to a larger pool of applicants, which increases its chance of finding the right person for the job. With the availability of large pool of qualified candidates, the selection process becomes more competitive in choosing the best-suited candidate.

  1. Qualified Personnel

External sources of recruitment provide a pool of talented candidates for selection purpose.

With an external recruitment advertising, the company can find a variety of qualified candidates for the post offered. With the large pool of potential candidates, it introduces new blood in the organization. And eventually, this process helps to identify the best candidates in a lot of skilled candidates.

  1. Fresh Talent

External recruitment facilitates the entry of fresh talents in an organization. Bringing in fresh talent from the outside can help motivate the current employees to produce and achieve more in hopes of obtaining the next promotional opportunity. It encourages the inflow of new ideas, knowledge, and skills required to perform the tasks.

  1. Competitive Spirit

In the external recruitment process, there will be a chance of facing a better competition in terms of hiring a new talent. External recruitment creates an environment for healthy competition in between internal employees and external members, who are supposed to be more trained and efficient. They present themselves to be competitive with full enthusiasm to work and match with the new employees.

  1. Environmental Adaptation

Since external recruitment encourages the entry of new skills, knowledge, and ideas in the organization, it helps in accompanying environmental changes. Hiring a candidate with a proven track record for the competition allows the company to get an insider’s view as to what the competition is doing to be successful.

  1. Fairness

Being an open process, external recruitment provides the opportunity to all prospective candidates to apply for the vacant position in the organization. This, in turn, widens its options of selection.

Hiring an external candidate also opens up many opportunities to find experienced and highly-qualified and skilled candidates who will help a company meet its diversity requirements.


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