
Acknowledgment of Settlement Statement Letter Format

Acknowledgment of Settlement Statement Letter Format

Acknowledgment of Settlement Statement Letter Format

[Here briefly focus on Sample settlement statement letter for purchase or sale of items, tax returns, for closing and deductions. Companies can use this for any kind of adjustment/settlement for the return of goods or sending back the goods to vendor or client.]


The manager,

Institute name…

Institute Address…

Subject: Settlement Statement Letter

Dear Sir,

This is with reference to the captioned subject and your requested no. xx/yy/zz dated (Date), wherein you requested us to settle your receivable balance due to non-availability of internet services for 2 weeks. (show your actual problem and situation).

We were pleased to inform you that your request has been approved by Manager Servicing. Find enclosed herewith acknowledgment from our side regarding the settlement of your outstanding balance towards us and the revised invoice for your good self.

We shall be really obliged in case your process the remaining payment at your earliest convenience.

I hope this letter would serve to your entire satisfaction. Thanking you and with profound regards.

Truly yours,



Company name and address…


Another format,


The manager,

Institute name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Acknowledgement of Settlement

I hereby confirm returning (Account no.) number of Glass (Items name) and /or (items number) number of shells which were obtained on deposit/consignment and acknowledge (receipt of amount of money) and/or [that I owe (amount of money) to the Company] towards full and final settlement of my accounts with the company.

Customer Name…

Customer Signature…