Camouflage is a valuable feature for both hunters and prey, but it can be a bit of a pain as field biologists are sorting out their numbers to contribute to taxonomy. When you talk to an animal about the size of your finger, the search for a new species becomes more complicated, which is different from the chameleon described in a new study published in a scientific report. So how do you find a leaf-colored fungus in a sea of leaves? Co-author Mark D Scherz told IFLScience, “It takes a lot of patience and attention.” “Through practice, it can get relatively good, but we often work with local guides who are experts in exploring this small mountain.”
Nine years ago, in a new study, some researchers described the tiny chameleon Brookesia micra for the first time. It once believed to be the smallest species in the world, but now Scherz and lead author Frank Glow have described a much smaller species, the Brookesia nana. “‘Nana’ is derived from the same Latin / Greek root that gave us the prefix ‘nano,'” Scherz explained, “which we apply to things like ‘nanotechnology’ to indicate a very small size.” An apt name, then, for the smallest chameleon in the world.

It could argue that this species compensates for the lack of size that researchers call “surprisingly large” genitals. Can make them flexible and they bring them out to mate. Surprisingly, when outside and proud the hemipenes of B. nana are roughly 18.5 percent of his body size. It is difficult to determine why this tiny chameleon is so blessed, but researchers doubt that it is a substantial result of women’s’ body size. In order to reproduce successfully, the male genitalia need to be able to work together with the female genitalia, which can be a big bit beneficial to the survival and genetic continuity of these animals.
B. nana’s hemipenes are one of the longest of the smaller giraffes, but it does not take the top spot. The Brookesia tuberculata, which is only 18.3 – 20.1 millimeters from the snot-to-vent, posted in the post with the built-in extension on the hemipenes that the whole package reaches more than 30 percent of the male body size impressive stuff. This fun-sized chameleon recovered in Madagascar, a true refuge for biodiversity and a common source of new species.
Scherz said, “We are constantly identifying new species from Madagascar and describing them.” “Even beautiful and charismatic chameleons have a lot to learn. Meanwhile, we are also working to understand the evolutionary processes that have given rise to the incredible diversity of Madagascar and the threats that diversity is facing. ”