Ah, Google, the world’s second-most-visited website. An extremely valuable tool that, if used incorrectly, might turn into a complete nightmare, So that you do not have to, some folks have learned this the hard way. According to those who have done so, these are some of the terms you should never Google.
We can assure you that if you see any of the photographs, you will wish you could un-google them. Oral myiasis is a disorder caused by larvae infecting the mouth. Several medical case reports have described unfortunate people whose mouths have been infested by bug larvae, with one letter to the British Dental Journal citing “the terrible stench of rotting flesh” as one of the symptoms.
Another one of those medical jargons you should not be familiar with, you will be aware if you have been degloved. “My pal was employed at a summer camp. He was in charge of the climbing wall, among other things. One of the prohibitions was no jewelry, which a number of teenage girls disobeyed. He would check to see whether they were ready before letting them on the wall, and he would often notice a ring on their hand “If you need any more convincing, consider what one Redditor said.

“He’d question whether they understood what degloving was if they didn’t listen the second time he instructed them to take off any jewelry, which they invariably didn’t. He would then pull out his phone and show them a picture of a degloved ring finger on a hand. They’d become a lot more cooperative all of a sudden.” According to reports, the opioid medication desomorphine gave the nickname “krokodil” because illicitly made batches frequently laced with hazardous ingredients, causing “crocodile-like” skin damage in those injected it. That is all there is to know about the subject.
There are many unpleasant surnames out there, but you have to feel bad for the Fourniers, who are named after a bacterial condition that affects the genitals called necrotizing fasciitis. The Medical Dictionary states, “This aggressive and life-threatening form of cellulitis generally develops in patients who have had local trauma to the perineum and people with diabetes mellitus.”
It appears that this can happen with male kids on occasion, and it is not something to be concerned about. If you want to stay off the list, though, you should consult other mothers and fathers, a health professional, or a doctor about it rather than a tech giant. Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare inherited skin disorder that affects newborns and causes the skin to thicken and break. Babies with this syndrome require careful care, and survival has previously been unusual.