
Thank You Letter to Teacher to show Gratitude

Thank You Letter to Teacher to show Gratitude

Thank You Letter to Teacher to show Gratitude

[Below briefly focus on sample Thank You Letter to Teacher to show Gratitude. A teacher is a person who plays a significant role in your life in molding you into a responsible citizen. Writing a thank, your letter to your teacher is a meaningful gesture from your side. It is your responsibility to appreciate your teacher who has changed your perspective towards studies in a positive way. You can modify these sample as your requirement.]


Sender/Your name…

Home/Office address…

Date: DD/MM/YY


Receiver/Teacher name…

School/College/University address…

Sub: Thank Your Sir/Ma’am for your Guidance (any cause)

Dear (name/sir/ma’am),

A teacher is not simply a teacher but is also a guide who leads his pupil on the right path. I am thankful to God for blessing me with such a teacher who has changed my vision of life. (Describe in your words).

Teacher (Name), when I took admission in junior college, I was blank. I was not at all serious about my career; I did not even know why I have joined the college. (Describe all about the situation). My life was only fun. And then I met you after which everything has changed. (Express your feelings).

Your way of teaching, motherly behavior, friendly attitude and most of all your clear vision have brought tremendous changes in me, which even I cannot expect. (Describe your appreciation). Today, when I am leaving college, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. It’s only you because of whom I am in the meritorious list of our college. (Cordially describe your greetings).

Thank you for being there for me. I promise that I will always follow you.

Your naughty student,

Your name…

Contact Info. and signature…


Another Format, [Email Format]

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

Sub: Sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart

Dear (name of teacher),

It is an old saying that the teacher holds a position equivalent to God and for me, it is a truth. You are my God who has completely changed my perspective towards life altogether. (Describe in your words). I am fortunate that I can complete my studies under your guidance.

It was tough for me to adjust to a new school, but your patience in dealing with me is commendable. I still remember when you made me realize my mistake not by scolding me but telling me a story. (Describe all about the situation). After that incident, my life changed completely, and I started enjoying coming to school. (Express your feelings). I appreciate your caring behavior and the methodology of teaching students. I must tell you that everyone in the class respects you a lot even today. (Cordially describe your greetings).

Please find attached a small gift as a token of appreciation. (Describe your appreciation). I, once again, would like to express my gratitude towards you for making me a responsible citizen.

With regards,

Your name…

Contact Info…