Concept Concept is an idea, that conceived in the mind. It was borrowed from Late Latin conceptus, from Latin concipere “to take in, conceive, receive.” It…
Depth Psychology This article focus on Depth Psychology, which refers to approaches to therapy that are open to the exploration of the subtle, unconscious, and transpersonal aspects…
Psychoneuroimmunology Psychoneuroimmunology is a field of physiology and medicine, that deals with the influence of emotional states (as stress) and nervous system activities on immune function…
Media Psychology Media Psychology is the branch of psychology, which looks at behavioral, developmental, social, and biological interactions between individuals and groups with media. It is applied…
Legal Psychology Legal Psychology is a modern term of psychology. It refers to the study and use of psychology as it applies to the legal system and…
Human Factors and Ergonomics This article describe about Human Factors and Ergonomics, which is the study of how humans behave physically and psychologically in relation to particular environments, make…
Health Psychology Health Psychology actually focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior and social factors influence health and illness. It is a bio-psycho-social design. It’s roots are in…
Psychophysics Psychophysics is the branch of psychology that deals with the relationships between physical stimuli and resulting sensations and mental states. It also refers to a…
Psychopathology Psychopathology simply refers to the study of psychological and behavioral dysfunction occurring in mental disorder or in social disorganization. It is the scientific study of…
Psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental faculties involved in the perception, production, and acquisition of language. It is an interdisciplinary field. It is primarily…
Moral Psychology Moral Psychology is a novel branch of psychology, which is study of the development of the moral sense—i.e., of the capacity for forming judgments about…
About Intelligence Intelligence is a hypothetical idea, which capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.…