After Using Opioid Drugs, Breathing was Found to be Restored by Electrical Pulses to the Back of the Neck

After Using Opioid Drugs, Breathing was Found to be Restored by Electrical Pulses to the Back of the Neck

The primary reason for death after opiate usage is breathing problems. In the UK, there were 140,863 adults seeking treatment for opioid use in 2020–2021,…
Researchers have Identified a Reason Self-Injurers Typically Experience Less Pain than Non-Self-Injurers

Researchers have Identified a Reason Self-Injurers Typically Experience Less Pain than Non-Self-Injurers

Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet may have discovered an explanation for why self-injurers typically experience less pain than others. A better pain-modulation system appears to…
Three Different Brain Circuits Influence Parkinson’s Symptoms in the Thalamus

Three Different Brain Circuits Influence Parkinson’s Symptoms in the Thalamus

The most well-known symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement problem. Tremors, loss of balance, and trouble starting to move are common among patients.…
Ultra-Thin, Flexible Probe Offers Minimally Invasive, Long-Lasting Neural Interface

Ultra-Thin, Flexible Probe Offers Minimally Invasive, Long-Lasting Neural Interface

Researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the University of California, San Diego have created a tiny neural probe that may be implanted…
A Genetic Mutation Causes Hydrocephalus, Sometimes Known as ‘Water on the Brain’

A Genetic Mutation Causes Hydrocephalus, Sometimes Known as ‘Water on the Brain’

The cerebral ventricles, four interconnected chambers of the brain that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid, become enlarged in hydrocephalus, or “water on the brain,” but…
Adult Neuron Growth is Promoted by Stimulating Brain Circuits, Improving Cognition and Mood

Adult Neuron Growth is Promoted by Stimulating Brain Circuits, Improving Cognition and Mood

Humans lose mental acuity as we age, which is a terrible side effect of growing older. The loss of cognitive ability, which is typically accompanied…
Ultra-Powerful Brain Scanners Offer Hope for Treating Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive Symptoms

Ultra-Powerful Brain Scanners Offer Hope for Treating Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive Symptoms

According to scientists, ultra-powerful 7T MRI scanners could be used to help identify people with Parkinson’s disease and other comparable disorders who are most likely…
Millionaires are more Emotionally Stable and Risk-tolerant

Millionaires are more Emotionally Stable and Risk-tolerant

According to new research, millionaires are more risk-tolerant, emotionally stable, open, outgoing, and conscientious than the average population. Money, it is said, has the power…
Scientists Uncover Mechanism behind Chemically Induced Fear Memory Suppression

Scientists Uncover Mechanism behind Chemically Induced Fear Memory Suppression

Fearful situations have a bad effect on the brain. For example, war veterans frequently suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder months after the triggering incident has…
Researchers Look into the Link Between Motivation Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

Researchers Look into the Link Between Motivation Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine are looking into why neuropsychiatric symptoms like anger and apathy develop in the majority of Alzheimer’s disease patients…
Taking a Break from Social Media benefits Mental Wellness

Taking a Break from Social Media benefits Mental Wellness

Spending too much time scrolling might exacerbate emotions of tension, worry, and sadness. To take a break from social media, turn off notifications and set…
According to Studies, Seven Hours of Sleep is Ideal in Middle and Old Age

According to Studies, Seven Hours of Sleep is Ideal in Middle and Old Age

The latest study, published in the journal Nature Aging, discovered that seven hours of sleep is best for middle-aged and older persons. The study discovered…
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