New Research Explains Why Wandering Albatrosses Divorce

New Research Explains Why Wandering Albatrosses Divorce

Birds frequently practice monogamy, and it is generally known that many seabird species pair up for life. Famous examples are the charming albatrosses and penguins,…
Blood Falls in Antarctica Oozes a Ghastly Red and Displays Life At Its Most Extreme

Blood Falls in Antarctica Oozes a Ghastly Red and Displays Life At Its Most Extreme

In Victoria Land, East Antarctica, a waterfall known as Blood Falls gushes out of the Taylor Glacier. The daring explorers who were able to reach…
Animal Testing And The Murdered Elephant’s Execution

Animal Testing And The Murdered Elephant’s Execution

Imagine yourself as a medieval attorney preparing your client for trial. Due to rumors that they laid an egg, your client has been charged with…
Dogs Are Able To Detect The Sweat and Breath of Stressed People

Dogs Are Able To Detect The Sweat and Breath of Stressed People

According to recent studies, your dog can detect when you’re under stress because of the way you smell. The study’s dogs were able to correctly…
Our Earliest Jawed Ancestor Lived 439 Million Years Ago and Was a Spiky Shark

Our Earliest Jawed Ancestor Lived 439 Million Years Ago and Was a Spiky Shark

Our earliest jawed predecessor, dating back 439 million years, was a shark with paired spines and bony armor. Its astonishingly old age shocked scientists, outliving…
Favorite Seal Turns Himself Into Police After Days of Avoiding Capture in Pond

Favorite Seal Turns Himself Into Police After Days of Avoiding Capture in Pond

A gray seal that settled down in a pond and eluded capture for days finally turned himself into the police in the early hours of…
All Ancient Maya, Not Just The Elite, Consumed Cacao

All Ancient Maya, Not Just The Elite, Consumed Cacao

Cacao is famously used in Maya rituals, and recent research indicates that more people than previously believed drank the distinctive pods. The consumption of cacao…
Bowhead Whales’ Tiny Testicles Come With a Long Life

Bowhead Whales’ Tiny Testicles Come With a Long Life

Living forever can be problematic when it comes to cancer since, generally speaking, the longer an organism lives on Earth, the greater the chance that…
In The Vicinity of Tasmania, Over 200 Dead Whales Had Been Towed Out to Sea

In The Vicinity of Tasmania, Over 200 Dead Whales Had Been Towed Out to Sea

The stranding of 230 pilot whales at a beach close to Macquarie Harbour on Tasmania’s west coast last week horrified Australians. The majority of whales…
Desert Tsunami Caused by Mexico Earthquake in Death Valley Cave Housing World’s Rarest Fish

Desert Tsunami Caused by Mexico Earthquake in Death Valley Cave Housing World’s Rarest Fish

A significant earthquake struck Mexico last week, causing at least two fatalities. There were worries that the death toll could be far higher given the…
China Unveils the First Arctic Wolf Clone Puppy

China Unveils the First Arctic Wolf Clone Puppy

For the first time ever, an Arctic wolf has been cloned by a Chinese biotech company. The juvenile whippersnapper is not only significant development in…
The Coevolutionary Arms Race Between Brood Parasites and Hosts Can Be Detected by Looking at the Size of Birds’ Eyes

The Coevolutionary Arms Race Between Brood Parasites and Hosts Can Be Detected by Looking at the Size of Birds’ Eyes

According to research published in the journal Biology Letters, eye size certainly plays a role in the struggle between avian brood parasite birds that deposit…
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