Chaos Raises the Temperature of the Quantum World The study of the quantum dynamics of classically chaotic systems is known as quantum chaos. Contrary to popular belief, almost all conservative dynamical systems exhibit…
An Unusual Electron Interaction Water that will not freeze no matter how cold it gets – a research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has discovered a quantum…
Graphene-based Electronics on the Cutting Edge In wastewater treatment, graphene and graphene oxide-based structures have promising applications for the removal of toxic contaminants such as heavy metals, synthetic dyes, pharmaceuticals, and…
Gauge Theories are Simulated using Extremely Cold Atoms and Light The coldest systems in the universe were used by researchers to realize in the laboratory gauge theories, key models of modern physics that describe the…
Predicting the Next Yellowstone Volcano Eruption As a result of the Yellowstone supervolcano’s history of producing some of the greatest known eruptions, there is obviously a great deal of interest in…
Increased Command Over Plasma Accelerators Plasma-based accelerators boost the kinetic energy of charged particles like electrons, protons, and ions by using plasmas. Plasma-based accelerators typically use laser-produced plasmas with broken…
Researchers Find Hints about the Function of Magnetism in Iron-Based Superconductors Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Vanderbilt University are challenging accepted theories regarding superconductivity and magnetism in light of new…
Substance Based on Gadolinium that can be Cooled by Changing the Magnetic Field Magnetic refrigeration is gaining popularity as a reliable method of cooling delicate scientific equipment. The magnetocaloric effect, in which an external magnetic field regulates the…
Scientists Learn about the Properties of a Material with a Massive Magnetocaloric Effect Researchers from Lomonosov Moscow State University and their counterparts from the United Kingdom and Japan demonstrated that even the slightest structural modifications to iron-rhodium alloys…
Researchers create an All-optical Pumping method for Chip-based Nanolasers A new all-optical method for driving multiple highly dense nanolaser arrays has been developed by researchers. The method could lead to chip-based optical communication links…
Immune System and Gut Microbiota Interactions are Influenced by Nanomaterial The nanomaterial graphene oxide, which is used in everything from electronics to biomolecule sensors, has been shown in a new study on zebrafish to have…
Researchers Develop a New Method for Measuring Flying Baseballs A new laboratory method employs a high-accuracy ball delivery device and speed measurement system to provide more information on how high and far some of…