Chronic Stress Activates These Neurons, Causing Behavioral Issues Like Depression and Loss of Pleasure

Chronic Stress Activates These Neurons, Causing Behavioral Issues Like Depression and Loss of Pleasure

It is obvious that persistent stress can affect our behavior, resulting in issues like sadness, a loss of interest in activities that used to make…
Contextual Fear Conditioning Changes Synapse-Related Genes in Microglia

Contextual Fear Conditioning Changes Synapse-Related Genes in Microglia

In the central nervous system, microglia serve as the first line of defense, continually searching for pathogens and abnormalities and releasing tiny proteins called cytokines…
Age-Related Cognitive Decline is Reduced in Older Adults by Therapeutic Games and Brain Stimulation

Age-Related Cognitive Decline is Reduced in Older Adults by Therapeutic Games and Brain Stimulation

A novel method that combines online therapy games with a non-invasive brain stimulation technology may help older adults improve their working memory. Working memory is…
One Brain Region Teaches Another as We Sleep, Transforming New Information into Enduring Memories

One Brain Region Teaches Another as We Sleep, Transforming New Information into Enduring Memories

During sleep, one brain region can indeed influence and “teach” another. This phenomenon is known as sleep-dependent memory consolidation, and it involves the strengthening and…
A Progressive Intensification of Epileptic Spasms and Learning and Memory Deficits in an Animal Model of West Syndrome

A Progressive Intensification of Epileptic Spasms and Learning and Memory Deficits in an Animal Model of West Syndrome

West syndrome, also known as infantile spasms, is a rare and severe form of epilepsy that typically begins in the first year of life. A…
Noninvasive Neurotechnology Improves Autonomic Nervous System Function and Reduces Insomnia Symptoms

Noninvasive Neurotechnology Improves Autonomic Nervous System Function and Reduces Insomnia Symptoms

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health. Numerous studies have demonstrated that insomnia can raise the risk of diabetes,…
Researchers Create a Novel Method to Improve Drug Delivery for the Treatment of Pediatric Brain Tumors

Researchers Create a Novel Method to Improve Drug Delivery for the Treatment of Pediatric Brain Tumors

Pediatric brain tumors are tumors that originate in the brain or spinal cord of children, typically under the age of 18. These tumors can be…
Persons with Mind-Controlled Wheelchairs can Maneuver Through Normal, Cluttered Spaces with Some Practice

Persons with Mind-Controlled Wheelchairs can Maneuver Through Normal, Cluttered Spaces with Some Practice

A mind-controlled wheelchair that translates users’ thoughts into mechanical controls can assist a disabled person in regaining their mobility. Researchers show that with extensive practice,…
Drug Authorized by Humans Restores “Lost” Memory in Mice

Drug Authorized by Humans Restores “Lost” Memory in Mice

Sometimes students stay up all night studying for a test. But studies have shown that sleep deprivation harms your memory. Neuroscientist Robbert Havekes from the…
Experts Explain How Popular Antidepressants Create Emotional “Blunting”

Experts Explain How Popular Antidepressants Create Emotional “Blunting”

Researchers have figured out why about half of people on popular antidepressants experience emotional “blunting.” They demonstrate how the medications impact reinforcement learning, a crucial…
Organic Dream is made possible by Molecular Collaboration

Organic Dream is made possible by Molecular Collaboration

The phrase “organic dream” refers to the goal of maintaining a healthy, functioning organism, and the phrase “molecular teamwork” emphasizes the importance of cooperation and…
Little Differences in Mother’s Behavior could Affect a Child’s Epigenome

Little Differences in Mother’s Behavior could Affect a Child’s Epigenome

Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression that occur without any alteration in the DNA sequence. These changes can be influenced by various…
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