Bacteria Use Liquid Protein Droplets to Overcome Stress, According to Scientists Bacteria produce small liquid droplets from proteins to help them withstand severe settings and so minimize their chances of being killed by antibiotics, according to…
The Gut Virome is described in a New Study The human digestive tract is home to a diverse ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses. We have seen a quantum leap in the study…
Mutation Evolution can be Predicted using DNA Tangles Mutational hotspots are the result of a combination of evolutionary forces, including mutation rate heterogeneity. They have the ability to predict evolutionary outcomes and make…
A Novel Medication has been Created to Mitigate the Consequences of Mutant Epigenetic Regulators Genome sequencing revealed a significant surprise a decade ago: mutations in epigenetic regulators, which govern gene activity, are connected to nearly half of all human…
A New Calcium Activity Sensor in Cells has been Developed Calcium ions play an important role in the physiology and biochemistry of organisms’ cells. They play an important role in signal transduction pathways, where they…
Neurodegeneration may be Accelerated by Viral Infections Chronic and neuropathic viral infections can cause neurodegenerative and neurobehavioral diseases, resulting in a loss of neurons and axons in the central nervous system that…
Scientists use Primate Stem Cells to Create Sperm Cells One in every seven men of reproductive age in the world suffers from infertility. Spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) therapy is one treatment option for male…
Researchers Identified a Protein that linked to Appetite and Metabolism Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) researchers have discovered a protein that plays an important role in how the brain regulates appetite…
Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease is Detected in the Blood Researchers from the DZNE and the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) have discovered molecules in the blood that can signal the onset of dementia. Their…
The Most Frequently Mutated Gene in all Cancers has been Identified Genes direct how your cells function by producing proteins. Proteins perform specific functions and serve as messengers for the cell. Each gene must contain the…
Antibodies enhance Therapeutic Nucleic Acid Nanoparticle Delivery Some nucleic acids, such as messenger RNA (mRNA), DNA, and related molecules, have been shown in laboratory settings to be effective disease treatments, raising hopes…
The Nasal Microbiota Can Predict Who Will Get Symptoms from Novel Coronavirus According to experts, the microbiota in the nose and upper neck likely includes indicators for determining how unwell a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 would become…