The Universe’s Expansion Era Could Be Nearing Its End, Study Suggests

The Universe’s Expansion Era Could Be Nearing Its End, Study Suggests

The cosmos is not only expanding, but it is expanding faster than ever before, leading most scientists to believe it will continue to expand indefinitely.…
In Habitable Zones, Venus-like Worlds are Surprisingly Numerous

In Habitable Zones, Venus-like Worlds are Surprisingly Numerous

The dreadful planet Venus is famous for its extremely thick atmosphere, crushingly high air pressure, and surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead. In other…
The James Webb Space Telescope – What’s The Big Deal?

The James Webb Space Telescope – What’s The Big Deal?

The JWST is the world’s biggest and most powerful telescope. The JWST, which will be launched into space on Christmas Day 2021 from Europe’s Spaceport…
Neptune Is Experiencing a Dramatic and Unexplained Climate Change

Neptune Is Experiencing a Dramatic and Unexplained Climate Change

The global temperature of Neptune is changing in an unexpected way. Neptune has seen a significant climatic shift in the previous 17 years. And, for…
The Full Moon Won’t Be Pink This Week – But It Will Be Red Next Month

The Full Moon Won’t Be Pink This Week – But It Will Be Red Next Month

This month, on Saturday, April 16, the first full Moon of spring will occur. This one is known as a Pink Moon and has great…
Small Space Company Gets Blasted After Launching Rocket Right Next To Engineers

Small Space Company Gets Blasted After Launching Rocket Right Next To Engineers

It’s difficult to do rocket science. Aerodynamics, momentum conservation, and propellant flow are all examples of rigorous physics, which helps to explain why rocket launches…
Rogue Supernova Might Have Exploded In the Space between Galaxies

Rogue Supernova Might Have Exploded In the Space between Galaxies

Humans have been observing supernovae in the Milky Way since antiquity, and owing to sophisticated telescopes, we have spotted many more in distant galaxies. Astronomers…
Russia Halts Cooperation with Western Countries on the ISS over Sanctions

Russia Halts Cooperation with Western Countries on the ISS over Sanctions

Russia has stated that it will stop cooperating with the US and Western nations on the International Space Station in light of what it calls…
Part of This Famous Supernova Is Somehow Moving Backwards

Part of This Famous Supernova Is Somehow Moving Backwards

Cassiopeia A is one of the Milky Way’s most well-studied supernova remnants. From our perspective, the plasma shell has been growing at a pace of…
Record-Breaking Space Laser 5 Billion Light-Years Away Detected By Astronomers

Record-Breaking Space Laser 5 Billion Light-Years Away Detected By Astronomers

In a week that has seen the discovery of the most distant single star and the most distant galaxy, a record-breaking funky space phenomenon known…
KELT-11b – an Exoplanet

KELT-11b – an Exoplanet

KELT-11b is an exoplanet that orbits the yellow subgiant star KELT-11 (HD 93396) about 320 light-years away from Earth. It is a gas giant exoplanet…
New Farthest Galaxy Ever Seen Discovered By Astronomers

New Farthest Galaxy Ever Seen Discovered By Astronomers

Astronomers have discovered a new record-breaking galaxy approximately 300 million years after the Big Bang, hot on the heels of the farthest distant star ever…
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