Ancient Headless Horse and Rider Discovered In Archaeological Dig In Germany

Ancient Headless Horse and Rider Discovered In Archaeological Dig In Germany

The legend of the Headless Horseman is well-known in folklore all around the world. In Ireland, he’s known as the terrible dlachán, whereas in India,…
How Did People Wipe Their Butts before Toilet Paper

How Did People Wipe Their Butts before Toilet Paper

Everyone poops, is one of the first things we learn as children. Everyone, including you, me, your mother, and the President. But, yeah, we don’t…
Adulteration – Crime against Society

Adulteration – Crime against Society

What can we find that is pure or unadulterated these days? False branded ghee, adulterated petrol, turmeric mixed with chromate powder, chili powder mixed with…
Your Feelings about Darkness – an Open Speech

Your Feelings about Darkness – an Open Speech

Darkness has always been associated with the worst things, such as vengeful spirits and serial killers. Even in movies, the night is always depicted as…
Bonus Payout letter for Quarter Ending

Bonus Payout letter for Quarter Ending

[A bonus letter is a letter written by an employer to an employee informing him or her of the good news of receiving a bonus…
New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions in the hope of bringing about positive change. Every year, the recurring themes are a more…
Threats are not Pleasant Topics to Contemplate – an Open Speech

Threats are not Pleasant Topics to Contemplate – an Open Speech

A threat issued by one party is an intention, whether written or spoken, to cause harm to the threatened party. The party making such statements…
Sample Format for Reminder of Pending Payment Letter

Sample Format for Reminder of Pending Payment Letter

[A letter of pending payment reminder is a kind notification to a client or customer who has not made a payment as expected. A letter…
Oldest Large-Capacity Brain Case May Be First Known Denisovan Skull Ever Found

Oldest Large-Capacity Brain Case May Be First Known Denisovan Skull Ever Found

Despite dating from 200,000-160,000 years ago, the partially patched together skull of an early human possesses a brain capacity at the greater end of modern…
Brain Drain and Brain Circulation

Brain Drain and Brain Circulation

The term “brain drain” refers to the movement of highly skilled workers from one country to another. “A society that cannot place the highest value…
Steps I’d Take to Convince a Friend to Stop Smoking – an Open Speech

Steps I’d Take to Convince a Friend to Stop Smoking – an Open Speech

Smoking and drinking to the point of intoxication is stupid and serves no purpose other than to fit in with certain social groups. Both can…
Sample Employment Enquiry Letter Format

Sample Employment Enquiry Letter Format

[An employment inquiry letter is a letter that is written to inquire about a job opening in a company or organization. The letters are brief,…
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