Business, School Before we get started, there are a few of things to keep in mind. In just a few weeks, we will be offering Actuator as…
VCs Say There are More Startup Opportunities to Chase in Latin America In recent quarters, locations that previously disregarded by the venture capital sector have racked up spectacular investment totals. African startups, for example, have long overlooked…
Money Supply – In Macroeconomics The money supply is the total amount of currency and other liquid assets in a country’s economy on the date measured. It is the total…
Target Pricing – a Pricing Strategy Target pricing is a technique used by businesses to determine the selling price of a product based on market prices. It is a pricing strategy…
Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) Capacity requirements planning (CRP) is a strategy or application used mostly by manufacturing organizations to determine their capacity to meet their production targets. The CRP…
Liquidity Preference in Macroeconomic Theory Liquidity Preference Theory is a model that proposes that an investor should demand a higher interest rate or premium on securities with long maturities that…
Concept of Velocity of Money The velocity of money is a measure of how quickly money is exchanged in an economy. It is the number of times the average unit…
Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR) A variable coupon renewable note (VCR) is a type of renewable fixed-income security. It’s a form of debt security that matures every week. Every week,…
Data Collection is not the Problem It is What Companies Are Doing with It A company’s most valuable asset is data. Many firms, however, cannibalize this important asset by selling it to third parties instead of using it to…
$10B is The New $1B, and We Need a New Framework for Startup Valuations What exactly is a start-up? A question has been so thoroughly dissected that it feels like the only response is that it depends. That is…
How Amazon EC2 grew from a notion into a foundational element of cloud computing AWS launched the first test instance of EC2, its cloud-based virtual computers, fifteen years ago this week, on August 25, 2006. Cloud computing, and more…
How Mixpanel got its startup groove back by focusing on its core product The startup myth goes like this: you create a company in your dorm room, get accepted into Y Combinator, discover product-market fit, grow like a…