
Sample Letter to Terminate Lease in 30 Days

Sample Letter to Terminate Lease in 30 Days

[The process of vacating a home can be stressful for both the tenant and the landlord. For a variety of reasons, the tenant may decide he or she no longer wishes to occupy the property they have been renting. They do not, however, have the freedom to simply pack up and leave without notifying the landlord at least 30 days in advance. The notice is required for the reasons stated in the chapter’s introduction. The tenant is required to notify the landlord of their intention to terminate the tenancy at the end of the notice period. It may also become necessary to settle any outstanding financial matters.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Name of tenant and address…

Name of landlord and the official address as listed in the original agreement…

Subject: Notice of intent to vacate the premises.

Dear [landlord],

This letter is to inform you of my intention to vacate my apartment/flat/Villa on [date: DD/MM/YY] which corresponds with the date my current agreement ends with you. (Describe in your words). I have decided to vacate the premises because of a change in my requirements professionally which make it difficult for me to continue occupying my present place of residence. (Describe all about the situation).

I would like to thank you for the help and cooperation you have offered over the last three years and would certainly recommend this place along with your name to any of my colleagues who may contact you for leasing the property. (Describe all about terms and conditions).

Please remember I had provided a security deposit of [amount] on [date]. (Cordially describe your greetings and requirements). I will be looking forward to receiving the security deposit refunded in its entirety as the premises is in good condition.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of tenant…

Name of tenant…

Contact info…

Another format, [Letter from Landlord to Tenant]


Name of Landlord and Address…

Name of tenant along with the address of the premises…

Subject: 30-day notice to vacate the premises rented.

Dear [tenant],

It is with great regret that I need to issue this letter for you to vacate the premises you have been occupying for the last three years on [date.] (Describe in your words). You have been an exemplary client and I feel extremely sorry to issue this letter to you as you have expressed your inability to accept my request for an increase in the rent you have been paying. (Describe all about the situation). The higher costs of living and maintenance of the property have made it impossible for me to continue providing the property at a price that was agreed upon three years ago.

I am aware that you have provided a security deposit of [amount] on [date]. The entire money will be returned back to your account after a full inspection of the property has been conducted in your presence at the end of the notice period. (Describe all about terms and conditions). Charges for any damages which may be noticed will be intimated to you immediately along with a claim. (Cordially describe your greetings and requirements). I reserve the option to hold back any sum of money which may be needed for the repairs from the security deposit which I am due to return to you.

Yours sincerely,

Signature of landlord…

Name of landlord…