
Maintenance of Officer’s Accommodation

Maintenance of Officer’s Accommodation

Maintenance of Officer’s Accommodation



Maintenance In charge

Subject: Officer’s Accommodation

Cottage No:

Reference is made to letter No:

Date: xx-xx-xx

It is apprised that subject cottage was allotted to undersigned vide above referred letter. After the handing and taking over of the house, it was highlighted a number of times through maintenance department complaint that the roof top of the subject bungalow is deteriorating day by day due to heavy rains of Moon Soon, resulting in heavy seepage and fungus development in all rooms especially drawing and dining rooms. Till date no construction work has been done to repair the roof and rooms.

Forgone in view, it is requested that concerned staff may be directed for repair and fresh distemper of house especially drawing and dining room. Telecom between Officer Work’s maintenance department and undersigned also refers in this regard.

Submitted for favourable actions.

Name: XYZ


