Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland are actively creating anti-viral surfaces to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. A recent study discovered that a resin element is highly effective against coronaviruses and significantly reduces their infectivity on plastic surfaces.
Viruses may remain on solid surfaces for extended periods of time, increasing the risk of infection. Varpu Marjomäki, Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Jyväskylä, and his team are looking at how different surfaces and materials can help to slow the development of viral infections. For example, they are investigating how long coronaviruses can survive on different surfaces when humidity and temperature vary.
“This information would be of direct benefit to both consumers and industry. Antiviral functionality could be used, for example, in restaurants, kindergartens, public transport and stores, on different surfaces, where viruses can potentially stay infective for a long time and spread easily,” says Professor Varpu Marjomäki from the University of Jyväskylä.
This information would be of direct benefit to both consumers and industry. Antiviral functionality could be used, for example, in restaurants, kindergartens, public transport and stores, on different surfaces, where viruses can potentially stay infective for a long time and spread easily.
Professor Varpu Marjomäki
Plastic surfaces with antiviral functionality
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä’s Nanoscience Center tested resin-embedded plastic surfaces against both the seasonal human coronavirus and the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
“In our recent investigation, we discovered that viruses remained infectious for more than two days on untreated plastic surfaces. In contrast, a plastic surface containing resin demonstrated high antiviral activity within fifteen minutes of contact and great efficacy after thirty minutes. According to Marjomäki, plastic treated with resin is a good choice for an antiviral surface.

Research cooperation project with Premix Oy
The research is part of the BIOPROT project (Development of bio-based and antimicrobial materials and use as protective equipment) funded by Business Finland and has been done in collaboration with the Finnish company Premix Oy.
“The project aims to study existing and develop new antiviral solutions in cooperation with companies such as Premix Oy. This will help to create new products for future pandemics and epidemics,” says Marjomäki.
New bio-based and antimicrobial materials in protective equipment
The BIOPROT project includes six universities and research organizations, as well as several enterprises. The project, managed by LUT University, intends to develop novel, sustainable, and safe material solutions for use in the battle against infections, with a special emphasis on respiratory and surgical mouth masks, as well as reusable masks for industrial use. The initiative is also expected to boost Europe’s product and material self-sufficiency. The research at the University of Jyväskylä, overseen by Marjomäki, involves producing bio-based antiviral materials.
“Effective and nature-derived antivirals are available in Finland and could be used for the functionalisation of masks and surfaces. Presently, there are only few bio-based functional solutions available, so we have an opportunity to be pioneers in this field,” says Marjomäki.