Historical Background of EXIM Bank Limited
EXIM Bank Limited was established under the rules & regulations of Bangladesh bank & the Bank companies’ Act 1991, on the 3rd August 1999 with the leadership of Late Mr. Shahjahan Kabir, founder chairman who had a long dream of floating a commercial bank which would contribute to the social-economic development of our country. He had a long experience as a good banker. A group of highly qualified and successful entrepreneurs joined their hands with the founder chairman to materialize his dream. In deed, all of them proved themselves in their respective business as most successful star with their endeavor, intelligence, hard working and talent entrepreneurship. Among them, Mr. Nazrul Islam Mazumder became the honorable chairman after the demise of the honorable founder chairman.
Of its very beginning, EXIM Bank Bangladesh limited was known as BEXIM Bank, which stands for Bangladesh Export Import Bank Limited. But for some legal constraints the bank renamed as EXIM Bank, which means Export Import Bank Of Bangladesh Limited.
The bank starts its functioning from 3rd August 1999 with Mr. Alamgir Kabir, FCA as the advisor and Mr. Mohammad Lakiotullah as the Managing Director. Both of them have long experience in the financial sector of our country. By their pragmatic decision and management directives in the operational activities, this bank has earned a secured and distinctive position in the banking industry in terms of performance, growth, and excellent management. The authorized capital and paid up capital of the bank are TK. 350.00 Crore and TK. 171.375 Crore respectively. The bank has migrated all of its conventional banking operation into Shariah based Islamic banking since July, 2004.
Corporate Information
Name of the Bank : Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited
Status : Private Limited Company
Date of Incorporation : June 02, 1999
Inauguration of First Branch : August 03, 1999
Authorized Capital : TK. 350.00Crore
Paid-up Capital : TK. 267.78Crore
Number of Branches : 44 (Forty Four)
Chairman : Mr.Md. Nazrul Islam Mazumder
Company Secretary : Mr.Md. Golam Mahbub
Managing Director : Mr. Mohammed Lakiotullah
Credit Rating : Long Term: A- (Adequate Safety)
Short Term : ST-3 (Good Grade)
Registered Office : PrintersBuilding (5th, 6th, 10th & 13th Floor)
5 Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Tel: 9561604, Fax: 880-2-9556988
Website: www.eximbankbd.com
Vision of EXIM Bank Limited:
The gist of EXIM Bank vision is “Together Towards Tomorrow”. EXIM Bank Limited believes in togetherness with its customer, in its march on the road to growth and progress with services. To achieve the desired goal, there will be pursuit of excellence at all stages with a climate of continuous improvement, because, EXIM Bank believes the line of excellence is never ending. Bank’s strategic plans and networking will strengthen its competitive edge over others in rapidly changing competitive environment. Its personalized quality service to the customers with the trend of constant improvement will be cornerstone to achieve our operational success.
Mission of EXIM Bank Limited:
The Bank has chalked out the following corporate objectives in order to ensure smooth achievement of its goals:
- To be the most caring, customer friendly and service oriented bank.
- To create a technology based most efficient banking environment for its customers.
- To ensure ethics and transparency in all levels.
- To ensure sustainable growth and establish full value of the shareholders.
- Above all, to add effective contribution to the national economy.
Eventually the Bank emphasizes on:
- Providing high quality financial services in export and import trade
- Providing efficient customer service
- Maintaining corporate and business ethics
- Being trusted repository of customers’ money and their financial adviser
- Making its products superior and rewarding to the customers
- Display team spirit and professionalism
- Sound Capital Base
- Enhancement of shareholders wealth
- Fulfilling its social commitments by expanding its charitable and humanitarian activities.
Objectives of EXIM Bank Limited:
1. To receive, borrow or raise money through deposits, loan or otherwise and to give guarantees and indemnities in respect of all debts and contracts.
2. To establish welfare oriented banking systems.
3. To play a vital role in human development and employment generation to invest money in such manner as may vary from time to time.
4. To carry on business of buying and selling currency, gold and other valuable assets.
5. To extend counseling and advisory services to the borrowers/entrepreneurs etc. in utilizing credit facilities of the bank.
6. To earn a normal profit for meeting the operational expenses, building of reserve and expansion of activities to cover wider geographical area.
Mode ofEXIM Bank- “Local Bank Global Network”
The word EXIM implies the meaning its operations. Though it is a new type of bank in Bangladesh, it is familiar with so many countries in the World such as Export Import Bank Of United States, Export Import Bank of Japan. Despite it is a local bank, it has spread of its operation in the whole world through foreign banking. Its motto is to provide quality services to the customers all over the world. So the mode of the bank “Local Bank Global Network” is completely adjustable with operation.
Management Profile
| | | | Mr. Kazi Masihur Rahman | | | Managing Director & CEO | | | | | | | | Dr. Mohammed Haider Ali Miah | Mr. Abdul Latif Barabhuiya | Mr. Md. Sirajul Islam | Deputy Managing Director | Deputy Managing Director | Deputy Managing Director | | | | | | | | Mr. Sirajul Haque Miah | Mr.Md. Fazlur Rahaman | Mr.Khondoker Rumy Ehsanul Haq | Senior Executive Vice-President | Senior Executive Vice-President | Senior Executive Vice-President | | | | | | | Mr. Karimuzzaman | Mr. Mamun Mahmood | Mr.Mohammad Alamgir | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President | | | | | | | Mr. Md. Golam Mahbub | Mr. A.Y.M. Naimul Islam | Mr. Shah Md. Abdul Bari | Executive Vice-President & Company Secretary | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President | | | | | | | Mr. Shaikh Bashirul Islam | Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir | Mr. Md. Feroz Hossain | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President | | | | | | | Mr. Khondoker Nayeemul Kabir | Mr. Sheik Moyeen Uddin | Mr. Md. Muniruzzaman | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President | Executive Vice-President |
Name | Designation | Place of Posting | Mr.Md. Akhtar Hossain | SVP | RMG Division, Head Office | Mr.Md Shahidullah | SVP | Khatungonj Branch, Dhaka | Mr. Moniruzzaman Chowdhury | SVP | EXIM Bank Training Institute | Mr. Shahidur Rahman | SVP | Motijheel Branch, Dhaka | Mr.Md. Shahjahan | SVP | Nawabpur Branch, Dhaka | Mr.Md. Anisul Alam | SVP | Uttara Branch, Dhaka | Mr. Khorshed Alam Chowdhury | SVP | Paltan Branch, Dhaka | Mr.Md. Zoshim Uddin Bhuiyan | SVP | Rajuk Avenue Branch, Dhaka | Engr. Shamsur Rahman Chowdhury, MBA | SVP | CBS Implementation Project, Head Office. | Mr.Md. Mosharraf Hossain Mazumder | SVP | Panthapath Branch, Dhaka. | Mr. Mohammad Hanif | VP | Agrabad Branch, Chittagong. | Mr.Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmad | VP | International Division, Head Office. | Mr. S.M. Abu Zaker | VP | Jubilee Road Branch, Chittagong. | Mr.Md. Moidul Islam | VP | Motijheel Branch , Dhaka | Mr.Md Abdul Halim | VP | Human Resources Division, Head Office | Mr.Md. Main Uddin | VP | Human Resources Division, Head Office | Ms. Maksuda Khanom | VP | Gulshan Branch, Dhaka. | Mr. Abu Hena Md. Mohsin | SAVP | Merchant Banking Division, Head Office | Mr. Abdul Jobbar Chowdhury | SAVP | Moulvibazar Branch, Moulvibazar | Mr. M. Sakhawat Hossain | SAVP | Faridpur Branch | Mr. Tariqul Islam Choudhury | SAVP | Rajuk Avenue Branch, Dhaka | Mr.Md. Zakir Hossain | SAVP | Uttara Branch, Dhaka | Mr. Kazi Nesar Uddin Ahamed | SAVP | Barisal Branch | Mr. Rafiqur Rahman | SAVP | New Eskaton Branch, Dhaka | Mr.Md. Abdur Rahman | SAVP | Modafforgonj Branch | Mr. Mosleh Uddin Ahmed | SAVP | Mirpur Branch, Dhaka. | Mr.Md. Zakir Anam | SAVP | Bashundhara Branch | Mr. Mefta Uddin Khan | SAVP | Satmasjid Road Branch | Mr. Khandker Md. Mostasir | SAVP | Financial Administration Division, Head Office. | Mr.Md. Mostafa | SAVP | Karwan Bazar Branch | Mr. Md. Shah Azam | SAVP | CBS Implementation Project, Head Office, Dhaka. | Mr.Md. Jashim Uddin | SAVP | Sylhet Branch | Mr.Md. Solaiman Mridha | SAVP | Gazipur Chowrasta Branch, Gazipur | Mr. Hasan Faruk | SAVP | Elephant Road Branch, Dhaka | Mr. Mohammad Abul Hashem | SAVP | CDA Avenue Branch, Chittagong | Mr.Md. Mahbub Alam | SAVP | CBS Implementation Project, Head Office, Dhaka | Mr.Md. Nurul Absar | SAVP | Bahoddar Hat Branch, Chittagong | Mr.Md. Israil Khan | SAVP | International Division, Head Office. | Mr.Md. Mumtaz Ahmed | SAVP | Bogra Branch | Mr.Md. Akhteruzzaman | SAVP | Pahartoli Branch, Chittagong | Mr.Md. Rashedul Hasan | AVP | Ashugonj Branch | Mr.Md. Shahjahan Patwary | AVP | Khatungonj Branch, Chittagong | Mr.Md. Aminul Islam | AVP | Savar Branch, Savar. | Mr.Md. Osman Ali Miah | AVP | Rangpur Branch, Rangpur. | Mr.Emran Hossain | AVP | Financial Administration Division, Head Office | Mr.Mohammad Ismail Hossain | AVP | CDA AvenueBr., Chittagong | Mr. Mozammel Hossain | AVP | Head Office Corporate Branch. | Mr. Lal Mohammad | AVP | Kushtia Branch | Mr. Abu Rushd Muhammad Aktheruzzaman | AVP | Rajshahi Branch. | Mr. Nurul Azim Khondaker | AVP | Chhagolnaiya Branch. | Mr.Md. Woliur Rahman | AVP | Motijheel Branch. | Mr.Md. Noor-A-Alam Hossain | AVP | New Eskaton Branch. | Mr.Md. Emarat Hossain Khan | AVP | Cradit Card Division, Head Office. | Mr.Md. Azhar Uddin | AVP | Motijheel Branch, Dhaka. | Mr.Musa Ahmed | AVP | Imamgonj Branch. | Mr.Md Shafiqul Islam | AVP | Anti-Money Laundering Division, Head Office. | Mr. Md. Shah Alam | AVP | Malibagh Branch. | Mr. Shabbir Kabir | AVP | Motijheel Branch, Dhaka. | Mr.Md. Abdur Razzaque | AVP | RMG Division, Head Office. | Mr.Md. Shamsur Rahman | AVP | RMG Division, Head Office. | Mr. Golam Sagir | AVP | ICCD, Head Office. | Mr. Kanu Lal Karmaker | AVP | Special Audit Division, Head Office. | Mr. Shameem Faruque | AVP | International Division, Head Office. | Mr.Md Arfan Ali | AVP | Shitakunda Rural Branch | Mr. Syed Md. Abu Naser | AVP | Board Secretariat, Head Office. | Mr.Md. Saiful Islam | AVP | Motijheel Branch | Mr.Md. Nazmul Huda | AVP | Law & Recovery Division, Head Office. | Mr. Noor Muhammed Chowdhury | AVP | Fenchugonj Branch | Mr.Md. Mahtab Uddin Khan | AVP | Uttara Branch | Mr. Nur Mohammad Ansari | AVP | ICCD, Head Office. | Mr. Enayet Karim Golder | AVP | Agrabad Branch, Chittagong. | Mr.Md. Helal Uddin Mozumder | AVP | Gulshan Branch, Dhaka. | Mr. Abul Quasem Md. Safiullah | AVP | ICCD, Head Office. | Mr. Mahfuzul Hoque | AVP | Investment Division, Head Office. |
. Price Sensitive Information 2009 |
This is for kind information of all concerned that the Board of Directors of the Company in its 43rd emergent meeting held on Thursday, April 29, 2010,commencing from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.,has taken the following decision(s)/recommendation(s)/declaration(s), which may be considered as price sensitive information: |
01. | Recommended Dividend for the year ended 31st December 2009 | : | The Board of Directors recommended for declaration of Stock Dividend @35% (Bonus Share) for the year ended 31st December 2009 |
02. | Date & Time of 11th AGM | : | Monday, July 12, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. |
03. | Venue of 11th AGM | : | ‘Bashundhara Convention Centre’ at Block-G, Umme Kulsum Road, Bashundhara R/A,Baridhara, Dhaka-1229. |
04. | Record Date of 11th AGM | : | Tuesday, May 11, 2010. [The shareholders, whose names would appear as shareholders in the Register of Members on the Record Date, will be entitled to Dividend, attend the AGM, and vote thereat]. |
05. | Proposal for raising Paid-up Capital through issuance of Rights Share | : | The Board of Directors also recommended for raising paid-up capital through issuance of rights share at the rate of 01(One)[R] :02(Two), i.e. one right share for every 02(Two) shares at par subject to approval of shareholders in the ensuing 11th AGM & the regulatory authorities. Record Date for the purpose of entitlement of the proposed Right Issue of Shares will be announced after obtaining approval from SEC in due course. |
06. | Net Asset Value (NAV) | : | Tk. 6,717,211,671.00; [Tk. 199.09 per share] |
07. | Earning Per Share(EPS) | : | Tk.50.21 |
08. | Net Operating Cash Flow Per Share (NOCFPS) | : | Tk. 55.72 |
| | Sd/- |
Dated:April 29, 2010 | | (Md. Golam Mahbub) Company Secretary |
Shareholder information of EXIM Bank
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited |
Name of the Company | Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited | Instrument Code | EXIMBANK | Number of shares issued in IPO | 31,38,750 | Total Number of shares including Sponsors | 62,77,500 | Face Value | Tk.100.00 per share | Premium | Tk.30.00 per share | Market lot | 50 | Date of publication of Prospectus | June 28, 2004 in “The Daily Janakantha” | Opening Date for Subscription of Shares | July 24, 2004 | Closing Date for Subscription of Shares | July 28, 2004 | Date and Place of Lottery for Allotment of Shares | August 19, 2004; BangladeshChinaFriendshipConferenceCenter | Number of Allotment Letter Issued | 56755 | Date of Issuance of Allotment Letter(s) | August 21, 2004 | Date of listing with DSE | September 26, 2004 | Date of listing with CSE | September 04, 2004 | Date of 1st Trading | October 16, 2004 | Opening price on 1st Trading Date | 517.00 | Highest price (2009) | Tk.510.00 (DSE); Tk.475.00 (CSE). | Lowest Price (2009) | Tk.228.00 (DSE); Tk.244.25 (CSE). |
Year wise Dividend Position of the Bank
Year wise Dividend position of the Bank |
Year | % Cash dividend | % Stock dividend | Total | 1999 | -Nil- | -Nil- | -Nil- | 2000 | 14.00% | -Nil- | 14.00% | 2001 | 25.00% | 12.50% | 37.50% | 2002 | 8.00% | 24% | 32.00% | 2003 | 40.00% | -Nil- | 40.00% | 2004 | -Nil- | 40% | 40.00% | 2005 | -Nil- | 30% | 30.00% | 2006 | -Nil- | 25% | 25.00% | 2007 | 7% | 25% | 32.00% | 2008 | -Nil- | 26% | 26.00% | 2009 | -Nil- | 35%(Recommended) | 35.00% |
It is a great pleasure that by the grace of Almighty Allah, we have migrated at a time all the branches from its conventional banking operation into Shariah based Islami banking operation without any trouble. Lot of uncertainties and adversities were there into this migration process. The officers and executives of our bank motivated the valued customers by counseling and persuasion in light with the spirit of Islam especially for the non-Muslim customers. Our IT division has done the excellent job of converting and fitting the conventional business processes into the processes based on Shariah. It has been made possible by following a systematic procedure of migration under the leadership of honorable Managing Director.
EXIM Bank at a Glance
Growth of Bank |
Figure in Million |
Sl. | Particulars | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 1 | Authorized Capital | 1000.00 | 3500.00 | 3500.00 | 3500.00 | 10000.00 | 2 | Paid-up Capital | 878.85 | 1713.76 | 2142.20 | 2677.75 | 3373.76 | 3 | Reserve Fund | 569.99 | 810.88 | 1134.64 | 1532.55 | 2092.97 | 4 | Deposits | 28319.21 | 35032.02 | 41546.57 | 57586.99 | 73835.46 | 5 | Investment (General) | 26046.34 | 32641.27 | 40195.40 | 53637.38 | 68609.91 | 6 | Investment ( Shares on Bonds) | 1633.03 | 2233.25 | 2457.72 | 2894.02 | 2169.44 | 7 | Foreign Exchange Business | 72940.00 | 96175.10 | 117900.14 | 156434.57 | 162604.61 | | a) Import Business | 41432.00 | 49596.70 | 61399.40 | 78540.49 | 83911.51 | | b) Export Business | 31285.00 | 46234.60 | 55790.42 | 76465.62 | 76240.77 | | c) Remittance | 223.00 | 343.80 | 710.32 | 1428.46 | 2452.33 | 8 | Operating Profit | 1175.76 | 1378.68 | 1908.20 | 2518.39 | 3181.78 | 9 | Loan as a % of total Deposit | 91.97% | 93.18% | 96.75% | 93.14% | 92.92% | 10 | No. of Foreign Correspondent | 222 | 246 | 256 | 278 | 333 | 11 | Number of Employees | 934 | 1020 | 1104 | 1312 | 1440 | 12 | Number of Branches | 28 | 30 | 35 | 42 | 52 | 13 | Return on Assets | 3.49% | 3.94% | 4.39% | 4.45% | 4.14% |
Branches of EXIM Bank Ltd
There are 55 branches of EXIM Bank Ltd Operating the business activities in Bangladesh. The Branches are as follows:
List of branches in Dhaka division |
Sl. No | Branch Information | 1 | MOTIJHEEL BRANCH | | SharifMansion, 56-57, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka. Phone: 9568534, 9552800, 9568093, 9554988, Dir-9553788 Fax: 880-2-9569983 Mobile:01819-242433 Swift: EXBKBDDH001 E-mail: motijheel@eximbankbd.com | 2 | PANTHAPATH BRANCH | | 19/2, West Panthapath, North Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Phone: 8124261, 8126191 Mobile: 01711-595257Fax: 880-2-8126191 Swift: EXBKBDDH002 E-mail: Panthapath@eximbankbd.com | 3 | GAZIPUR CHOWRASTA BRANCH | | Nasir Super Market(1st Floor), Chandana, Gazipur P.O.Gazirchat Savar, DhakaPhone: 9256492-3Fax:880-2-9256493 Mobile: 01819- 241068 E-mail: gazipur@eximbankbd.com | 4 | IMAMGONJ BRANCH | | HajiAbdulKaderMansion, 139 Chawk Mogoltuli, Imamgonj, Dhaka Phone: 7315527-9, Mobile: 01713-229348 Fax: 880-2-7315530 Swift: EXBKBDDH006 E-mail: imamgonj@eximbankbd.com | 5 | GULSHAN BRANCH | | 75, Gulshan Avenue, CWSA-10, Gulshan, Dhaka. Phone: 9862262, 9886296 Mobile: 01713-001122Fax: 880-2-8818703 Swift: EXBKBDDH007 E-mail: gulshan@eximbankbd.com | 6 | NAWABPUR BRANCH | | 198/1, Nawabpur Road, Dhaka – 1100 Phone: 7125306, 7125307, Direct:7125308 Mobile: 01713-164691Fax: 880-2-7125308 Swift: EXBKBDDH010 E-mail: nawabpur@eximbankbd.com | 7 | NARANYANGONJ BRANCH | | 50, SM Maleh Road, SattarTower, Tan Bazar, Narayangonj Phone: 7610213, 7610214 Mobile: 01711-439386Fax: 880-02-7610215 Swift:EXBKBDDH011 E-mail: narayangonj@eximbankbd.com | 8 | SHIMRAIL BRANCH | | Al-Haj A. Rahman Super Market & Shopping Tower, Chittagnong RD, Chowrasts, Shimrail Phone: 7609268, 7609672, 7609673 Mobile: 01713-452121Fax: 7609268 E-mail: shimrail@eximbankbd.com | 9 | RAJUK AVENUE BRANCH | | 9, Rajuk Avenue, Motijheel, Dhaka – 1000 Phone: 9555132, 9556884, , 9565397 Mobile:1713-164699 Fax: :880-2-9555132 Swift: EXBKBDDH013 E-mail: rajuk@eximbankbd.com | 10 | NEW ESKATON BRANCH | | 27/1, New Eskaton Road, Dhaka Phone: 9349196, 8314159, 8314435Mobile:01713-164690 Fax: 880-2-9349196 E-mail: neweskaton@eximbankbd.com | 11 | UTTARA BRANCH | | House # 61/A, Road # 7, Sector # 7, UttaraModelTown, Dhaka Phone: 8919785.8952847 Mobile:01713-001542 Fax: 880-2-8952838 Swift: EXBKBDDH015 E-mail: uttara@eximbankbd.com | 12 | MIRPUR BRANCH | | ShreyasiTower, 10 No. Crossing, Mirpur, Dhaka – 1212 Phone: 8054226, 8056776 Mobile:01713-067833 Fax: 880-2-8033801 E-mail: mirpur@eximbankbd.com | 13 | ELEPHANT ROAD BRANCH | | 218, Elephant Road, Bata Signal, Dhaka – 1205 Phone: 9667097, Mobile: 0189-240830,0174-021767Fax: 880-2-9667097 E-mail: elephantroad@eximbankbd.com | 14 | MAWNA BRANCH | | KitabAliPlaza, Mawna Chowrasta, Sreepur, Gazipur Phone: 06825 – 52359 Mobile: 01713-099837 E-mail: mawna@eximbankbd.com | 15 | MALIBAGH BRANCH | | 484, DIT Road, Malibagh Rail Crossing, Dhaka – 1217 Phone: 9357057,9340444,83119076 Mobile: 01713-164694 Fax: 880-2-9357057 E-mail: malibagh@eximbankbd.com | 16 | ASHULIA BRANCH | | RifatSquarePlaza, Jamgara, Savar Phone:7701978,7701480 Mobile: 01713-040588 E-mail: ashulia@eximbankbd.com | 17 | ASHUGONJ BRANCH | | Haji Zahirul Haque Munshi, Shoping Complex, Main Road,Char Chartala , Ashugonj Mobile: 01713-063433 E-mail: Ashugonj@eximbankbd.com | 18 | SAT MOSJID ROAD BRANCH | | 47 Sat Mosjid Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1217 Phone: 8118680,9142073 Mobile: 0713-099844 E-mail: dhanmondi@eximbankbd.com |
19 | BASHUNDHARA ROAD BRANCH | | 11/4, Bashundhara Road, BaddaDhaka-1212 Phone: 9883883Mobile: 01713-145499 | 20 | SAVAR BRANCH | | B-71, RanaTower, Bazar Road, Savar , Dhaka Phone:7742883 Mobile: 01730019959 E-mail: savar@eximbankbd.com | 21 | KARWAN BAZAR BRANCH | | BGMEA Complex, 23/1 Panthapath Link Road, Panthapath, Dhaka Mobile: 01730019960 E-mail: karwanbazar@eximbankbd.com | 22 | HEAD OFFICE CORPORATE BRANCH | | Symphony, Plot# SE(F):9, Road# 142, Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka Phone: 02-8828985 Mobile: 01730069698 | 23 | NARIA BRANCH | | Janakallan Bipony, Naria, Shariatpur. Mobile:01711224931 E-mail: |
| | 24 | PALTAN BRANCH | | SwadeshTower, 41/6, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000. Phone: 02-9513572, 02-9513573, 02-9513574 Mobile: 01713-164690. E-mail: paltan@eximbankbd.com | 25 | BOARD BAZAR BRANCH | | AfzalTower, Board Bazar, NationalUniversity, Gazipur. Phone: Mobile: 01717-215958. E-mail: boardbazar@eximbankbd.com | 26 | FARIDPUR BRANCH | | FaridpurPlaza, 10 Zaman Mansion, Thana Road, Faridpur. Phone: Mobile: 01727-462686. E-mail: faridpur@eximbankbd.com | 27 | PANCHABOTI BRANCH | | Fatullah, Narayangonj. Mobile: E-mail: panchaboti@eximbankbd.com |
List of branches in Sylhet division |
Sl. No | Branch Information | 1 | SYLHET BRANCH | | Al-HamraShoppingCity, Zinda Bazar, Sylhet Phone: 0821-724413 Fax:880-821725070 Mobile:01714-001964 E-mail: sylhet@eximbankbd.com | 2 | FENCHUGONJ BRANCH | | SamadPlaza, Fenchugonj, SylhetMobile: 01713-145497 | 3 | MOULVI BAZAR BRANCH | | Al-Aksa Shopping Centre, Paschim Bazar, Moulvibazar Phone: 0861-63007 Fax:880-0861-63009 E-mail: moulvibazar@eximbankbd.com | 4 | GOLAPGONJ BRANCH | | NurMansion, Fulbari Pouroshova, Golapgonj, Sylhet. Mobile:01711940202 E-mail: golapganj@eximbankbd.com | 5 | BEANI BAZAR BRANCH | | ZamanPlaza, Beani Bazar, Sylhet. Phone: E-mail: beanibazar@eximbankbd.com | 6 | NOBIGONJ BRANCH | | BanglaTown, Sherpur Road, Nobigonj, Hobigonj. Phone: Mobile: E-mail: nobigonj@eximbankbd.com |
List of branches in Khulna division |
Sl. No | Branch Information | 1 | JESSORE BRANCH | | 37, M.K. Road, Jessore Phone: 0421 – 679801,679802,679803 Mobile:01713-400273 E-mail: jessore@eximbankbd.com | 2 | KUSHTIA BRANCH | | Rajob Ali Market, 152, N.S. Road, Mouza- Bahadur Khali, Kushtia. Mobile:01730-097273 E-mail: kushtia@eximbankbd.com | 3 | KHULNA BRANCH | | HossainPlaza 4, Sir Iqbal Road, Khulna. Phone: 041-2831470,041-2831471,041-2831472 Fax: 041-2831473 E-mail: khulna@eximbankbd.com |
List of branches in Rajshahi division |
Sl. No | Branch Information | 1 | BOGRA BRANCH | | SheikhMansion, Baragola, Bogra Phone: 051 – 60702,60703,60704,60705 Fax:880-51-60704 Mobile:01713-375438 E-mail: bogra@eximbankbd.com | 2 | RANGPUR BRANCH | | 268, Shah Amanot Super Market, Station Road, Rangpur Phone: 052 -161215 E-mail: rangpur@eximbankbd.com | 3 | RAJSHAHI BRANCH | | Mollah Super Market, Plot- 5809, Zero Point, Shaheb Bazar, Rajshahi. Phone:0721-772004,772005 Mobile:01730-097271 E-mail: rajshahir@eximbankbd.com | 4 | DINAJPUR BRANCH | | Northern Plaza, Goneshtola, Dinajpur. Phone: +880-531-61880, +880-531-61770. E-mail: dinajpur@eximbankbd.com |
List of branches in Chittagong division |
Sl. No | Branch Information | 1 | AGRABAD BRANCH | | Mawla Chember, 6 Agrabad C/A, Chittagong Phone: 031-715795, 715796, 727657,727658 Fax: 031-715796 Mobile:01199-701810 Swift: EXBKBDDH003 E-mail: agrabad@eximbankbd.com | 2 | KHATUNGONJ BRANCH | | UnionSquareBuilding, 1078 Ramjoy Mahajan Lane, Khatungonj, Chittagong Phone: 031-615544, 610711 Fax:031-615544 Mobile: 01711-898223 Swift: EXBKBDDH004 E-mail: khatungonj@eximbankbd.com | 3 | JUBLEEROAD BRANCH | | 63-64, Jubilee Road, Enayet Bazar, Chittagong Phone: 031 – 611170 Fax:880-31-611170 Mobile:01713-102012 Swift: EXBKBDDH018 E-mail: jubleeroad@eximbankbd.com | 4 | SONAIMURI BRANCH | | Mohammadia Super Market, Sonaimuri Bazar, Sonaimuri, Noakhali Phone: 01711-750610, 01711-885754 Mobile: 01711-750610, 01711-885754 E-mail: sonimuri@eximbankbd.com | 5 | LAKSHAM BRANCH | | Doulotgonj Bazar, Laksham, Comilla Phone: 08032 – 333 Mobile: 01711-726302 Swift: EXBKBDDH018 E-mail: laksham@eximbankbd.com | 6 | CDA AVENUE BRANCH | | Commerce View Complex,191, CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chittagong Phone: 031-652074 Mobile: 01819-325000, 0189647564 E-mail: cdaavenue@eximbankbd.com | 7 | CHOWMUHANI BRANCH | | 60/231, D.B. Road, Chowmuhani, Noakhali Phone: 0321 – 52700 Mobile: 01714-084311 E-mail: chowmuhani@eximbankbd.com | 8 | COMILLA BRANCH | | GoniBhuiyanMansion, A.K Fazlul Haque Road, Monoharpur, Comilla Phone: 081 – 61722, 61850 Mobile: 01713-380695 E-mail: comilla@eximbankbd.com | 9 | MODAFFARGONJ BRANCH | | Alam Highway Supermarket, Modafforgonj, Laksham, Comilla. Mobile:01730-061455 E-mail: mudaffargonj@eximbankbd.com | 10 | CHHAGALNAIYA BRANCH | | Holding # 827, Main Road, Bash Para, Chhagalnaiya, Feni. Mobile:01817748309 E-mail: chhagalnaiya@eximbankbd.com | 11 | PAHARTOLI BRANCH | | NoorJahanTower, Alanker More, Pahartoli, Chittagong. Mobile:01730018184 E-mail: pahartoli@eximbankbd.com |
12 | BAHADDARHAT BRANCH | | Khaza Super Market, 680/A, Arakan Road, Bahoddarhat, Chittagong. Mobile:01730031488, 01815927609 E-mail: bahaddarhat@eximbankbd.com | 13 | SHITAKUNDA BRANCH | | KDSLogisticsBuilding, Sonaichhori, Sitakunda, Chittagong. Mobile:01713229383, 01199242786 E-mail: shitakundo@eximbankbd.com | 14 | FENI BRANCH | | 308-310, S.S.K. Road, Feni. Mobile: E-mail: feni@eximbankbd.com |
List of branches in Barisal division |
Sl. No | Branch Information | 1 | BARISAL BRANCH | | 105, NasimBiswashLane, Sadar Road, Barisal. Phone: Mobile: 01714101825, 01713164695. Swift: E-mail: barisal@eximbankbd.com |
PRODUCT Information of EXIM Bank
- Mudaraba Deposit Account (RFCD, NFCD)
- Mudaraba Monthly Saving Scheme- Money Grower
- Mudaraba Monthly Income Scheme- Steady Money
- Mudaraba Super Savings Scheme- Double in 6 years
- Mudaraba Multiplus Savings Scheme- More than triple in 10 years
- Mudaraba Education Savings – For higher education
- Mudaraba Hajj Prokalpa
- Mudaraba Credit Cards
- Foreign Currency Deposit Account
- Corporate Finance
- Commercial Finance
- Industrial Finance
- Project Finance
- Lease Finance
- Syndicate Finance
- Hire Purchase Finance
- Real Estate Finance
Education Savings Scheme | Multiplus Savings | Smart Saver |
Super Savings Scheme | Monthly Savings Scheme | Monthly Income Scheme |
1. Mudaraba Deposit Account (RFCD, NFCD)
The main objective of this account is to provide convenience to the customers in their savings. This account allows the customer to deposit his/her surplus money as and when available and receive lucrative profit on the same. The customer can deposit any sum desired at any time of the operational hours in this account.
2. Mudaraba Monthly Saving Scheme- Money Grower
The first and foremost objective of this scheme is to encourage people to build up a habit of savings. Under this scheme, one can deposit monthly a fixed amount of money regular and will receive a substantial amount with handsome benefit after maturity of reasonable period/tenure.
3. Mudaraba Monthly Income Scheme- Steady Money
It is an alluring and commonly accepted scheme of EXIM Bank as an investment of steady monthly return. Under this scheme, the depositor is allowed to deposit at least Tk.1, 00,000/- or its multiple amount for 3(three) years and in return he/she will receive profit on monthly basis at an attractive rate. This scheme mainly has been drown up as well as introduced for the benefit of middle-income group, practically retired personal.
4. Mudaraba Super Savings Scheme- Double in 6 years
Mudaraba Super Savings Scheme is offered for all classes of people, specially for the middle class, where the depositor is allowed to deposit at least Tk. 5,000/- or its multiple amount for 6(six) years and at the maturity of the account, deposited amount will be stood at more than double.
5. Mudaraba Multiplus Savings Scheme- More than triple in 10 years
Under this scheme, the depositor is allowed to deposit at least Tk.5,000/- or it’s multiple amounts for 10(ten) years and at the maturity of the account, it will be arrived at more than triple of his/her deposited amount. Moreover, the depositors may avail themselves of investment facility under above-mentioned schemes, by meeting easy terms and condition in regard to scheme(s), as the case may be.
6. Mudaraba Education Savings – For higher education
With a view to assisting the customer for higher education, EXIM Bank has introduced this scheme with convenient terms & conditions.
7. Mudaraba Hajj Prokalpa
In view of smooth arrangement for performing Hajj, EXIM bank has introduced this scheme under the tenure of 5, 8, 10, 15 & 20 years with nominal amount of deposit per month.
8. Mudaraba Credit Cards
This service is introduced for the utmost convenience of the customers in paying for their purchase of commodities. The customer is allowed to avail credit purchase through this card and enjoy compensation free payment within a certain period as long as 50 days.
VISA Islamic Card |
By the grace of Almighty Allah, Exim Bank Ltd has started commercial operation of fully Shariah based VISA Islamic Card (Local, International & Dual Currency) under the principle of Bai-Murabaha. This is the first Islamic electronic product for any Islamic bank in Bangladesh. |
The Salient Features of the card are-
- First Shariah Based Islamic Card by any Islami Bank in Bangladesh.
- Lowest Profit Rate in the Card Market
- Simple Profit Rate
- No Hidden Charge
- Dual Currency Facility in One Card
- Free Supplementary Card
- 24 Hours Customer Service
- Auto Debit Payment Facility
- Worldwide Acceptance
- Instant card message service in mobile
9. Foreign Currency Deposit Account
This account provides the customer with safe and lucrative way of saving their foreign currency. All non-residents Bangladeshi are most welcome to save and remit their wages and earnings from abroad through this account.
Every body knows that the deposit is the lifeblood of a Bank. From the very beginning EXIM Bank Motijheel Branch is aware about deposit build-up. Though Motijheel is not basically a deposit-oriented area, the branch is trying to do better day by day. The opening deposit of the branch was around 7.00 crore and the deposit on May 15, 2004 was 363.69 crore.
- Booklets published by EXIM Bank.
- EXIM Bank Ltd. Annual Report 2008
- Web site of EXIM Bank (www.eximbankbd.com)
- Newsletters published by EXIM Bank
- Prospectus of EXIM Bank Ltd.