
Modern Methods of Teaching

Modern Methods of Teaching

Modern Methods of Teaching

A good teaching procedure will lead to effective learning. The old fashioned idea of teaching was that the children should play a passive part. They were completely in the hands of their teachers, to be molded into a certain pattern set by formal education, and to emerge as school leavers full of facts which, they had all too often learned off by heart and parrot-woes. The modern teaching method is a learner-centered and activity-based teaching method that is used to get learners fully involved.

The teacher’s aim is to develop the full potential of each child. Classroom activities to be effective must be governed by different strategies. Today, therefore, the facts and the subjects studied are secondary to the development of the child’s whole personality. Hence, subjects cover a much wider range these days, from technical and practical subjects to current affairs and commerce. Pupil to pupil interaction must be observed every time a lesson will be introduced in the class. All the learners are made to learn at their own rates since they can work individually and in cooperative groups.

A variety of instructional materials should be visible in each classroom so that learning will be full of fun and interesting. To claim a child’s interest, great importance is placed on purposive learning which means practical work of all kinds for the pupil. Such work must be varied as a child soon becomes bored when one particular activity is carried on for too long. His interest is not stimulated neither is the require skill acquired. The modern teaching approach is inclusive because all categories of learners are supported in the learning process.

New attitudes mean new methods. Oral teaching, a time-honored method is still used, but not to the same extent. The teacher must do some talking, but children are encouraged to talk too, to ask questions and to discuss. The teacher has many mechanical aids to assist him in oral work. Language laboratories in which children can both listen to correct speech in foreign languages and record their own efforts are extensively used. Modern teaching methods are in line with best practices in teaching and learning across the world.  Words must be supplemented by visual aids which are important. Diagrams and charts clarify many subjects like anatomy, science or chemistry. Film strips, from which children absorb facts much more quickly than they do from a book, are widely used too. In the modern teaching approach, real-life teaching-learning materials are used.

Ideal teaching today encourages the application of new methods in teaching to develop initiative, creativity, confidence, self-reliance, and independence among the pupils. Modern teaching includes the body as well as the mind. a child must express himself and have an outlet. Hence, all schools provide facilities for physical education and for a variety of games. Many provide swimming instruction. extra-curricular activities to are considered important. Hence, visits to museums, art galleries, theaters, and public games are organized.


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