
Man to Lead and Woman to Follow – Your Point of View

Man to Lead and Woman to Follow – Your Point of View

The myth begins with women’s perceptions and traditional gender norms. Because the world has historically been ruled by patriarchal nations, people often look to men for leaders and regard any woman who aspires to a higher position with skepticism, if not disgust. Any man who says this to a feminist is likely to be dubbed a “Male Chauvinist Pig,” or MCP for short. The days of men leading and women following are long gone.

Long ago, men were the only ones who could physically provide food and shelter for their responsibilities, which included women and children. Men were created to hunt, plough, and perform other tasks that required physical strength and ability. Women do not have the necessary physical attributes. They were made to have children and keep a home.

Things are completely different now. In most places of the world, there is no need for someone to go searching for food or do strenuous physical labor. In fact, hunting has all but stopped. In its place are enormous farms of tamed animals that produce all of the essential food. There are machines that can do the work better than any guy or men. So Ian’s physical power is no longer vital for survival.

The fundamental issue for men and women of this generation is how to live in an increasingly complex society. This necessitates information rather than physical strength. In terms of knowledge, men and women are roughly equal.

We have female physicians, engineers, teachers, drivers, professors, prime ministers, and other professionals. They are not inferior to men, and in some ways, they are superior, though no man would confess it. As a result, women can survive in this world just as well as men.

It would be ridiculous and immature to ask a professional woman to submit to a man who does not even have half her competence. Only a male chauvinist would do this, and there are plenty of them around, especially religious ones who adhere to religious principles that have long outlived their usefulness. It is the egoistic male who insists on leading when he clearly cannot.

Men have been the leaders for the most of human history. If we are mature enough to examine the reality of our world, we must admit that it is these males who have messed it up. The men had thousands of years of experience ruling the globe and had failed terribly. They are still attempting, but with little success. They took the initiative, while the rest suffered. This is not to argue that women cannot outperform males. Perhaps if men and women had shared leadership, the world would not be in such a state.

It would be preferable if the human race as a whole abandoned the stereotype that women are inferior to men. Men and women are designed to complement one another, not oppress one another. Because one cannot survive without the other, it seems to reason that they should share the obligations of cohabitation. It is not a question of who is in charge. It is a matter of walking together side by side.