
Invite Student or Participants on Stage for Speech

Invite Student or Participants on Stage for Speech

Invite Student or Participants on Stage for Speech

[Here you can learn How to Invite Student or Participants on Stage for speech or how to call someone on stage. You can also follow this format as lines for anchoring on stage or how to do anchoring on stage. You can also follow this sample for Anchoring script for prize distribution. Starting lines for anchoring. You can modify these sample as your requirement.]

Invite Participants on Stage for their Performance

I would now like to bring your attention to the next event where children from (Area/City name) who have been studying at the (School/Institute name) for past one/two/three year will be presenting a table for you. (Describe in your own words).

The play has been prepared in light of the sacred month of Ramadan (or any occasion/festival) and is named (Event name and Topic). I would be immensely grateful if you could please do your best to encourage and support these kids and boost their confidence. (Cordially describe all about the situation). These kids have done their utmost to exhibit their hidden talents.

Please put your hands together, for (Event name and Topic).


Another format,

Invite Student (Internee) on Stage for Speech

As our journey now comes to an end, and we have all had the time of our lives. We’ve built undying forever-lasting friendships. (Describe in your own words). We’ve not just learned about these special children but have learned more about ourselves, and how to be better individuals. (Cordially describe all about the situation). These three weeks have purely changed me, they’ve made me a better person. (Cordially describe all about the situation). Now, I’d like to call (Name of the Internee) so s/he can share with us her/his experience, and tell us what impact this internship had on her/him.