
Humans Had Already Changed Most Land Ecosystems 12,000 Years Ago

Humans Had Already Changed Most Land Ecosystems 12,000 Years Ago

Antarctica, on the one hand, occupied most of the Earth’s landmass, and changed humans about 12,000 years ago, according to an international study. This contradicts previous assumptions and most of the planet was relatively unaffected by humans until the Industrial Revolution.

Initially, however, Anthropocene transformed ecosystems in a stable way rather than as a cause of their collapse, which occurred recently. Searches can change minds about the best forms of environmental management. Historic Historical global land use reorganizations have practically dehumanized most of the planet almost 500 years ago. However, collaboration between scientists from ten institutions in six countries found that this did not happen.

Said Professor Erle Ellis of the University of Maryland in a statement that “Our work shows that most of the areas described as ‘contagious’, ‘wild,’ and ‘natural’ are actually areas that have a long history of human habitation and use.” Humans influenced by practices such as seasonal burning, extensive hunting and seed distribution before intensive farming.

Ellis notes the study’s findings show that the Earth is facing a new threat, most of which is occupied by humans; “Associations used their landscapes in ways that preserved most of their original biodiversity and even increased their biodiversity, productivity and resilience,” he said. Last week, we learned that 97 percent of the planet has disturbed by human presence. Yet Alice continues; “Our global maps show that even about 12,000 years ago, about three-quarters of the terrestrial nature was inhabited, used and shaped by humans. Humans are still rare in the region about 12,000 years ago.

“These maps, reflecting the changing nature of the planet’s people over many dates over time, can be viewed online and interacted with. Ellis and others’ explanations have published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The environments changed as people entered, but the health of the environment was maintained, it is proved; Nicole Bolvin, a professor at the Max Planck Institute for Human History of Science, said: “The problem is the kind of land use we see in industrialized societies – it is characterized by continued agricultural practice and uninterrupted extraction and allocation.”

“The current biodiversity crisis can rarely be explained by the depletion of populated forests, rather than by the allocation, colonization, and the prolonged use of biodiversity cultural landscapes and the intense use perpetuated by previous societies.” By getting involved, people can stop – and often reverse – the damage we are doing while still benefiting from these areas. Often the quickest way to do this is to embrace the knowledge of people who have been managing territories permanently for so long.

Since such knowledge has survived, “empowering indigenous, traditional and indigenous peoples who know their natures in such a way that scientists are only beginning to understand,” Alice argued. Elsewhere, the link between indigenous peoples and their land is so broken that knowledge is not available and a slow process of rediscovery of science needed. Professor Darren J. Ranco, co-author of the University of Maine note, said only five percent of the world’s land is now partially managed by indigenous peoples – but about 80 percent of the permanent biodiversity survives there.