
Food Problem in Third World Countries

Food Problem in Third World Countries

Food Problem in Third World Countries

Introduction: Man cannot live without food. So earning his bread has always been his principal occupation. Then the people of Third World Countries were happy in all respects. They devoted their time and energy to the development of cottage industry and culture. But the people of Third World Countries now suffer greatly from the shortage of foodstuff every year. The Government should sincerely take Positive steps to increase food production within the shortest possible time. As the food crisis is now increasing all over the world, it is becoming more other countries.

Causes of the problem: The causes of food problems are many. The population grows in Geometrical proportion whereas food is produced in arithmetical proportion. We have not yet brought every nice of our cultivable land under cultivation. So there remains a constant problem of food and raises the question of growing more food. The pressure of the growing population on land is too heavy. Moreover, natural calamities like floods and cyclones affect food production very badly.

Measures to be taken: It is true that we cannot increase the land area of the country. Our land is losing its capacity to grow more food. The land is being continuously fragmented and the ratio between land and population is becoming wider.  It is also true that we should not depend on other countries for foodstuff. So we must take effective measures to grow more food and cope with the food problem. We must bring every inch of our idle land under the plow. Then land must be examined, classified, and plotted out. To meet the food problem, we should increase the production of food. We should adopt a scientific method of cultivation. Co-operative farming should be introduced. Irrigation facilities should be expanded. Labour should be given proper training in the scientific method of cultivation. More and more areas of land should be brought under irrigation systems. Farmers should be provided loans on easy terms. Co-operative farming should be encouraging. Measures to protect food crops from drought, floods, and cyclones should also be taken.

Fig: World hunger increasing

All kinds of land should be brought under cultivation. High yielding variety of seeds should be used and fertilizers and pesticides should also be used in the scientific method. A sufficient amount of fertilizers and insecticides should be made available. The cultivators should be well trained and should be taught how to use fertilizers and insecticides.

Conclusion: The success of any program depends on the persons who are field workers. In spite of so many hurdles, there is still enough scope to increase food production in the Third world countries. The goal of attaining self-sufficiency in food certainly can be attained. Third-world country’s land has the potential to yield many more products. This problem cannot be solved by any single agency or organization, or by the government alone. If manpower is properly exploited and utilized, we shall soon be able to double the production of food. It can be done only by the concerted efforts of the whole nation. In this way, we can solve the problem.