
Sample Resignation Letter from Workplace

Sample Resignation Letter from Workplace

Sample Resignation Letter from Workplace

[When an employee wants to resign from the job, he or she has to submit a resignation letter to the management.  The purpose of a resignation letter is to formally convey to the management that it won’t be further possible to continue working on account of some reason. Here briefly focus on Sample Resignation Letter from Workplace. The letter should be to the point and formal.  Keep it simple and add an apology in the end along with mentions of how grateful you are to the company. You can modify this sample as your requirement.]


Receiver name…

Job Designation and Department name…

Date: DD/MM/YY (date of writing letter)


Your name…

Job Designation and Department name…

Dear Mr. /Ms. (name of the concerned person),

This letter is to inform you that I am resigning from the post of (mention designation). I took this decision because (give a detailed reason for resignation). (Describe in your words). Please consider this letter as the initiation of the (write period)month notice period required by your organization.

My tenure for the past (mention time spent) years in this company is a memorable one. (Describe something about your job experience). I had a wonderful time with all my colleagues who are very supportive and helped me in all ways. The management has always recognized the hard work of the employees. (Express your feelings).

I learned a lot all through, and I feel that I should face new challenges and move on. (Cordially describe your feelings and expectation).

I request you to accept my resignation and instruct the HR department to complete other formalities.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

Name & Signature…

Job Designation and Department name…


Another format, (Email Format)

From: Sender mail address, [email protected]

To: Receiver mail address, [email protected]

Subject: Resignation from the post of (Job Position)

Dear Sir,

It is with a heavy heart that I am hereby tendering my resignation from the post of (Job Position). The reason is that I have to relocate to (Pmace name/City name). (Describe in your words). You are well aware that my father/mother passed away last month. S/He had a successful business there. After his, death there is no one to run his/her business. (Describe the actual cause and situation). It is now my responsibility.

Thus it is of top priority that I go and take up the reins of his business. It will not be possible to work long distance. (Express your feelings). Hence I decided to resign from the job. It is with a sad heart that I am doing so. After working for so many years with this firm, I have a special attachment to all of you. (Describe something about your job experience). I will surely miss the easy rapport that I had with all.

I request you to issue me an experience certificate and my dues kindly. (Cordially describe your feelings and expectation).

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,


Job Designation and Department name…