
Farewell Speech sample for Friends after Graduation

Farewell Speech sample for Friends after Graduation

Farewell Speech sample for Friends after Graduation

[Here briefly describe on Farewell Speech sample format for Friends after Graduation. Life and destiny can steal best friends away but nothing can take away precious memories. Slowly try to summarize your experience of the whole year in your short speech. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

Farewell Speech for Friends after Graduation –

Good evening my lovely fellows. First of all congratulations to all of us for graduation on time and I hope everyone is satisfied with their grades. When I came here four years looked like such a long time and I always used to think that how will I manage to be here for this long without my school/college friends. (Describe in your words). I had a routine back in school where I was going since childhood, I knew my peers when they were children too.

So life without them seemed quite empty here. For the first semester, I remember I just used to come here and take classes and just head back to my dorm again without much communication. (Explain actual situation). I was not coming terms with the fact that I had to make new friends here in order to survive the next four years.

I was so nervous here I could not talk to people properly and the teacher was asking us to perform in a group in front of other people. (Explain your expectation regarding today’s program). Needless to say, we all connected after that workshop and became a group that went on to add a few more people as our semesters went by. But these are not the only friends that I will say goodbye to today, it’s a sayonara to all the students that someone I used to wave hello in the corridor or I used to spend a few minutes within the ground, to all the ones that made me play basketball with them. (Explain all about the situation regarding university studies time).

Although I was hopeless at it and all those who used to explain mathematics equation to me better than the teacher and just everyone regardless of if I remember your name or not. (Explain your expectation regarding farewell). Good Bye, my friends, and May we all remain in touch forever. (Cordially describe your wish and greetings).


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