A society’s culture comprises all of its ideas and ways of behaving, language, music, moral ideas, and ways of working and playing, the tools and other objects made and used by people in society all these are reflected in a society’s culture. Repeated study over a person’s activities is a good way of finding a person and studying the important patterns of an entire society gives us knowledge of the culture of that society. Cultural differences are a reality from individual to individual, class to class, society to society and country to country. Our Bangladeshi culture has its distinctive cultural traits but it has also unity with other countries in respect of religion, language, and other things. The Bengal Renaissance of the 19th early 20th centuries, noted Bengali writers, saints, authors, scientists, researchers, thinkers, music composers, painters, film-makers have played a significant role in the development of Bengali culture. Now culture is under the process of modification, unification or combination under the great influence of information technology. The cultures of Bangladesh are composite over the centuries have assimilated influences of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity. It is manifested in various forms, including music, dance, drama; art craft; folklore folktale; languages literature; philosophy religion; festivals celebrations; as well as in a distinct cuisine culinary tradition. The countries of the modern globalized world are being affected with the culture of each other and thus native culture is approaching towards world culture. The major components of culture related to science, philosophy, poetics, economics, etc. are being shared by the world people in this age of globalization. The philosophy relating to culture should be humanistic. Human beings should not be over-exultant over their cultural superiority. Rather all cultures of every country flow to the bright sea of humanity. The Bangladeshi culture is also on the process of being united with the universal culture.