
Compulsory Free Primary Education

Compulsory Free Primary Education

Compulsory Free Primary Education

One of the factors that help to develop the mind of a man is education. It leads a man from darkness to light. Education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can prosper without it. And of all kinds of education, primary education forms the basis. Hence, the importance of primary education for a country as well as in the life of an individual is very great. Education makes a man perfect. It brings about an all-round development in his mind, in his heart, and in his soul, in his values and in his attitudes of life.

Primary education is the founding phase where the citizens would grow with a certain vision and competence. Without education, a man leads an accused life. He cannot develop any ideal or good conception of life. A wise saying goes. ‘the child is the father of the nation.’ Children of today will lead the country tomorrow. Education removes darkness and enlightens minds. A man should keep his accounts, make his correspondence, read the newspaper and should be conscious about the right of his citizenship. So, in order to ensure the welfare of the people of a country, they must be given education at least up to the primary level.

The Government in our country has taken some steps to remove illiteracy from society. Compulsory primary education is the crying need of Bangladesh. Our government could make out the supreme necessity of making primary education compulsory. It was made compulsory in 1990. The Year 1992 was started as the year for universal education. The Govt. has also taken rigorous campaign programs to motivate parents to send their children to schools. The Government has also launched food for an education program to inspire Poor parents to send their children to schools. In, the primary level, textbooks are also supplied to the students free of cost. Again, UNICEF, ASHA, BRAC and many other organizations have come forward to wipe out illiteracy from the country. It is an imperative necessity to educate those who only slowly understand the benefits of education. Furthermore different media are being used for the publicity of compulsory primary education.

In order to make the compulsory free primary education program a success, we have to eradicate problems that stand in the way of it. It is important to raise the number of teachers and also to arrange training facilities for them. More schools should be established. Govt. should take strict measures to ensure the supply of textbooks on time and should provide khata and pencils free of cost, especially for those who are disadvantaged. After all, an awareness campaign to highlight the economic and social benefits of education should be launched. Media can play a vital role in this regard. Every woman, man, youth and child has the right to education, and to other basic human rights dependent upon realization of the right to education. People should have a least the primary education for their easy conduct in society and for the success of democracy.

It is not easy to expand compulsory primary education to the whole country only by the government. All of us should assist the government for this great purpose. Otherwise, our country will fail to stand and develop.