
Camouflage-Busting Technique Allows People to Instantly Spot Hidden Targets

Camouflage-Busting Technique Allows People to Instantly Spot Hidden Targets

Camouflage is one of the most hidden discoveries in the natural world, surpassing both predators and prey. Surprisingly, people have also found a way to mimic this natural camouflage for behind-the-scenes methods during wartime, although new research has shown that someone can be easily trained to see through camouflage in just two weeks. The technique first came back in 2012 and was described in a study published in the Journal of Psychological Sciences.

Over a two-week period, non-military participants spent an hour a day learning to scan the background of a series of images, after which they demonstrated an impressive ability to determine if they were hiding a disguised target in a scene. However, this training method was created solely to raise awareness that it was not intended to assist individuals in identifying or identifying anything of concern and specific hidden goals. Cognitive Research: “A new study is being published in the Journal of Principles and Effects. Not being able to find every irrigation target.”

For the investigation, the team enrolled six people in the same training method, before testing their ability to detect disguised elements in different images. Participants were presented with one of three different backgrounds, made up of both fruit, leaves or nuts. Half of these images have a hidden feature, which was the human head or a novel 3D shape. During some experiments, the subjects were allowed to view the images for as long as they wished, before pointing out the location of the targets they perceived in the background.

On other occasions, they were given only one-twentieth of a second to scan their pictures, and therefore had enough time to remove their eyes. Not only were these trained people able to identify hidden targets, they were almost as good at being given only a fraction of a second to test images when they were not in a time-limit. Moreover, these camouflage-bats proved to be equally adept at detecting hidden targets as untrained individuals showed obvious inconsistencies like a black T-shape in a white L-shaped sea.