
Boston Dynamics Held an Insane Robot Dance Party

Boston Dynamics Held an Insane Robot Dance Party

Have you ever seen a robot’s funny stat? If you haven’t, boy have we got good news for you – Boston Dynamics has just held a robot dance party and the robots have moved on. In a recent video posted on YouTube and Twitter to celebrate the New Year, the Boston Dynamics Atlas robot was seen jamming “Do You Love Me” by the contours before joining another atlas, their faithful side spotting the robot dog and finally the most surreal but A handling robot to create a dance party.

Watch the video below to feel the good vibrations and appreciate the incredible engineering of the robots. You see, robots live almost like scorpions. In fact, the steps are so impressive that some users on Twitter have taken the entire video to claim CGI. However, with recent advances in Boston dynamics robotics, it is quite clear that movements are legitimate.

Believe it or not, the Atlas robot can do little more than kill the dance floor. Atlas is designed to mimic the agility and balance of a human as a humanoid robot “aimed at advancing the limitations of mobility throughout the body.” From the humble beginnings when Atlas could barely walk, the robot is now capable of carrying objects, jumping, and even parkour.

In addition to comments already made by viewers about a year later to encourage them in the video, Atlas, Spot, and Friends Antiques have captured the mood of people around the world. Yet in addition to a fun little show to end the year, the dance party also confirms that robotics has come a long way in the past few years.

Massachusetts, Waltham, the company said in the caption, “We gathered our entire crew to celebrate the start of what we hope will be the most beautiful year.” Thousands of people praised the robot’s steps and technology to strengthen them. Others seemed to be somewhat relieved by their curiosity.

“Somewhat fragile, I have to admit,” said Carl Belt, a Swedish diplomat who chairs the European Council’s Council on Foreign Relations. “Do you love me? When you don’t come to destroy us,” tweeted Jan Nicholas, a photographer. It certainly gives a new meaning to the dance floor classic, “Robot”.