Geographic Minerals



Berryite is a mineral with the formula Pb3(Ag, Cu)5Bi7S16. It occurs as gray to blue-gray monoclinic prisms. It is opaque and has a metallic luster. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 and a specific gravity of 6.7.

It was named in honor of Professor Leonard Gascoigne Berry (1914–1982), Canadian Mineralogist, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, who obtained the first X-ray powder pattern of the mineral.

General Information

  • Formula: Pb3(Ag,Cu)5Bi7S16
  • Colour: Bluish-grey, white, grey-white.
  • Lustre: Metallic
  • Hardness: 3½
  • Specific Gravity: 6.7
  • Crystal System: Monoclinic.


  • Lustre: Metallic
  • Transparency: Opaque
  • Colour: Bluish-grey, white, grey-white.
  • Hardness: 3½ on Mohs scale
  • Hardness: VHN100=131 – 152 kg/mm2 – Vickers
  • Cleavage: Poor/Indistinct
  • Density: 6.7 g/cm3 (Measured) and 6.83 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Occurrence: In quartz veins with other sulfides and sulfosalts, and in siderite-rich cryolite (Ivigtut, Greenland).

It was first identified in 1965 using X-ray diffraction by mineralogist Leonard Gascoigne Berry (1914–1982). It is found in Park and San Juan counties in Colorado. It occurs in sulfide-bearing quartz veins in Colorado and with siderite-rich cryolite in Ivigtut, Greenland.


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